Oh Kaz, that's so sad. I know we have had a few instances, especially Tom, of some of his service users who have passed away of Covid. Makes me worry for his safety - although he's now had his first vaccine this past week so I have everything crossed he stays well.
Well we're selling the caravan if anyone wants it!!
We feel we're not able to use it enough, Mon-Fri it stands empty and given the fact we've had less chance to use it than ever in 2020, we're going to use the money for different breaks.....it's Tom's decision but I'm supportive of it.
Work this morning, quiet. I think this lockdown is affecting people more than the November one, people are scared to attend this time around. So finished at 12.30, T picked me up and we went for a takeout latte and scone at our fav cafe....and THEN we decided to go for a walk! The walk was snowy and/or wet in parts so luckily we both had wellies in the car, nothing else would have been suitable. Bonus - I got to see (and hear - the noise!!) a couple of trains at close quarters and the scenery was as always, stunning. We started with grey skies this morning, but by mid morning the sun had appeared and this held out during our walk - we did a long walk round the villages yesterday, over 6 miles, but today was at best, two. Still, better than nothing.
Enjoy the rest of the day xx