by Suff » 16 Apr 2021, 15:07
Thanks Saundra.
That is even aside from the fact that two consultants and my GP refused to send me for an Angiogram, where they would have discovered my massively constricted coronary artery (less than 2mm). But, no, you don't ask them, they tell you. What they told me was "The MRI says you are not bad enough yet".
Granted I didn't die and my health is returning very quickly. But my trust in the NHS is Zero. My niece was just the icing on the cake, the heart attack was a given.
Many, many people have a very good experience with the NHS. Others no so much. They tried to send my father home when he had his second heart attack because "he wasn't bad enough". When they read his records and actually bothered to do the blood test, they found that, mild as it was, he had had a second heart attack and that they might actually have to do something. He spent 4 hours under angiogram having a massive stent fitted to ensure he didn't have a 3rd heart attack.
Had my father not known exactly what was going on, he would have simply been sent home. The consequences of which could have been that he was totally crippled.
The NHS is now what I call "health on a budget". If they can get away with not treating you they will.
Cromwell I heard about the BMI situation about 10 years ago. It was a tactic to reduce the budget. If people were not going to lose weight, then they were not going to treat them. Ditto smoking. Well smoking I get, BMI? It is, as I have said, Bollox. It only works for the median population, the rest are S.O.O.L. The idea, so they claimed, was that if they forced the population who were in danger to lose weight, then they would also reduce the number of operations. Yeah, right. Health on a budget!
Personally I'd do a FOI request and demand to know how many people, of a BMI over the figure they are quoting, are on the list above you cromwell. Scare them silly then threaten them with an ambulance chaser to get you the funds for private treatment. Should get their focus.
My father decided to go private for his knee because he didn't want to wait the 18 months (minimum), that they were quoting. Ditto he went private for his cataract operations as he would have been, essentially, blind, by the time they got around to it.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.