
For all those techno questions


Postby saundra » 17 Apr 2021, 10:20

Just had no this site isent secure
What do I do ???thanks
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Re: Help

Postby TheOstrich » 17 Apr 2021, 12:21

Are you using Microsoft Edge as a browser, Saundra? If so, it's just a standard warning to tell you the site is "http" and not "https" (secure); it says the same for me.

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Re: Help

Postby saundra » 17 Apr 2021, 13:02

Thanks ossie if no idea what security I use it's my kindle
No credit card details on here anyway
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Re: Help

Postby Workingman » 17 Apr 2021, 15:11

Saundra, it's as Ossie says. it is a browser warning. http v https

The older protocol, http, has largely been replaced by https and most modern browsers will flag this up either with a pop-up or, more often, an icon up on the address bar.

It doesn't really matter what device you are using to get on the Internet be it Kindle, Laptop, Desktop etc. the browser is doing the work. You do not need to worry about it so much if you are just browsing, but for banking, online purchases, paying bills etc https is an absolute must-have and all the official users have switched.
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Re: Help

Postby cruiser2 » 17 Apr 2021, 21:53

I use online banking to pay some bills.

But I have to have my mobile phone with me. The bank sends a password to my mobile phone which is only vakid for abot 15 minutes.
If I don't put the password into the correct box the payment will not be authorised. I also get a warning message asking do I want to continue.
It is a very good system and should stop scammers, if you follow the instructions.
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Re: Help

Postby Workingman » 18 Apr 2021, 16:03

My bank does the same, however......

The card I have authorised to make payments and the mobile are never together. The mobile I use to get the codes is my second (emergency) phone and it never leaves the house.

If a bag or jacket are stolen with the card and phone in them there is no more protection than if the scheme never existed. It happens, so be aware. I also do not have any banking apps or ever make purchases by phone and I certainly do not have any financial details on it either.
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Re: Help

Postby Suff » 19 Apr 2021, 14:33

The main issue with HTTP, is that when you enter the password on the site, anyone who is monitoring the link will see your password in clear.

Without spending a chunk of money, enabling HTTPS on this site is not worth the hassle. So just make sure that your password for this site is something you don't care if it can be seen.

Banking is an entirely different issue which is far, far, more secure. WM is right about the issue with passwords to the phone that you carry around with you. Personally this is an issue for me because I quite often live in hotels where it may be safer to have my phone on me than to have it in the hotel. My phone that takes the passwords is encrypted, has a start up password and you have to enter the SIM pin. In short the phone doesn't go at all without a password and you have to enter a password and 2 pins to start it up and it won't unlock without a password or my fingerprint. Even then the security keeps demanding codes to activate. Some of my banking is via fingerprint, but some of it is on password, pin AND code to the phone.

I can't think of it being much safer. If someone steals the phone and tries to bank they are stuffed. If they attack me, take the phone and use my finger to open it up, they'll have to stay with me until they finally get into an account with very little money. The rest are secured by passcodes which I can't give if they have knocked me out.
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