Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 29 Apr 2021, 11:57

Hmmm, it is all very murky. Iceland, Denmark and Israel are all going down this route and there are some other ideas here.

I don't like any of them, especially the "guarantees" of privacy. I certainly will not be getting any app, so that's my gas discount gone, and if I am out of the loop so be it.

However, this is in our hands, somewhat. If enough of us refuse to take part on the "in country" permissions and businesses lose out on lots of our spending money we could change things. Unfortunately we are sheeple many of whom are desperately, desperately, desperately in need of a pie and a pint and sod our freedom.

There's not much we can do on overseas travel as that is down to the countries we wish to visit - yellow fever and typhus certs spring to mind.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby JoM » 29 Apr 2021, 16:30

I started to download the app a few weeks ago because I’d read that it gave info re vaccinations and wondered if there was an indication of when the second one would be but I only got so far before it asked for photo ID and I really couldn’t be bothered with digging out my passport and going through the whole rigmarole involved to prove who I am by using that and a selfie.

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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 29 Apr 2021, 17:57

I have my passport and driving licence, both with address and photos, and I have two cards from my GP - one for each jab.

If that isn't enough proof then sod them, I will take a picnic or a tent and go sit on a hill or in a park. If I want a film there are always Netfix or Now!, so the businesses screaming out for my cash: pubs, cinemas and hotels, lose out.

Over to them.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby miasmum » 29 Apr 2021, 20:23

I don't have any photo ID, so what do I do?
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby JoM » 29 Apr 2021, 21:27

miasmum wrote:I don't have any photo ID, so what do I do?

You get three codes to enter from your GP according to this


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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 29 Apr 2021, 21:41

Thanks for that, Jo, but it is simpler to just say "No".

If the majority of us refuse to comply the control system fails. It is in our hands.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby JoM » 29 Apr 2021, 22:15

Definitely easier Frank.
Can you just imagine the faff involved in trying to get these codes anyway?
It’s hard enough to contact the surgery as it is without them having this taking up more of their time.

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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Kaz » 29 Apr 2021, 22:19

Good grief, what a faff! :shock: I downloaded the Patient Access app, but it seems my surgery doesn't provide the service :roll:
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby TheOstrich » 29 Apr 2021, 22:43

JoM wrote:I started to download the app a few weeks ago because I’d read that it gave info re vaccinations and wondered if there was an indication of when the second one would be but I only got so far before it asked for photo ID and I really couldn’t be bothered with digging out my passport and going through the whole rigmarole involved to prove who I am by using that and a selfie.

Further to my earlier post (memo to self: never try to do technological things late at night :roll: ), it seems there are NHS Apps and NHS Apps.

The NHS App my smartphone couldn't download was, on reflection, the NHS Covid Track and Trace App. On realising this, I tried to download the bog-standard NHS App (for appointments, medical details etc. - which is where I think details of your Covid jabs will be displayed) and I was successful.

However, I then ran into a total brick wall in completing the log-in sequence. Same as you, Jo, once I realised it wanted an upload of an ID photo (why, for goodness sake?) I couldn't be bothered as I don't think I've ever used the camera function on the phone :lol:, and when I realised that the only other way was to get the three pieces of coding from the surgery, I gave up entirely, largely because the surgery now resembles Fort Knox and you're threatened with arrest if you even try to talk to them these days. :shock:

OK, that's an exaggeration, but it's only a small one; you see two weeks ago they adopted the "Total Triage" system that says if you want anything like an appointment, you have to contact them via eConsult, and if you haven't got computer access, and you do manage to get through on the phone, you have to give all your details, symptoms and requests to the reception staff and they will put it on eConsult for you. Which ever way you do it, you then have to wait 2--3 days before they get back to you.

We are very aware that there has been some anxiety, concern and negative comment with regard to our new system for booking appointments.
Please be reassured that this has been designed absolutely with the needs of our patients at it’s [sic] core. We remain committed to providing the highest standards of patient care.
We are not trying to create a barrier between clinicians and patients. We are aiming to improve continuity of care with your usual GP, whilst ensuring appointments are booked on the basis of clinical need.
We continue to see patients face to face, as we have done throughout the pandemic. Our patient services team will be able to help patients navigate this system. If e-consult is not suitable, they can take some details about the problem you are seeking help for, or can book a phone call with a Doctor if required.
We are sorry that waiting times have been particularly long in the last fortnight as we prepare for this new way of doing things. Total Triage starts 14th April and this should stabilise things over the coming weeks.

As indicated, there has much criticism of this locally, including involving our local MP Simon Hoare, but the Doctors have merely responded by jointly issuing a FB post with a stolid defence of the new system (part posted above) and a general plea not to abuse their staff.

Whether you "support" the NHS or not, there is a huge disconnect happening in this town which - going back to the title of this thread - is a development which frankly doesn't bode well for the future.
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Re: Just being curious - what do you think will happen .....

Postby Workingman » 30 Apr 2021, 00:12

It's a lottery Ossie.

As things stand my surgery will take your call and either get you a GP call back or book you in for an appointment. I sort of expect that the GPs know which of their patients are at most risk of further complications and those who just need Lemsip or ibuprofen, so work to those rules

If we are totally honest most of our visits to the GP are for very minor complaints and most of them disappear in a few days - GP treatment or not.
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