by Suff » 04 May 2021, 11:44
Not just the government, the wonderful money maker and story maker, a global pandemic, is coming to a close. The press need something else to keep the whole thing going until the last gasp.
If the government were to remove masks altogether, it would be wrong. Because that sells media. If they decide to keep masks into next year, that's wrong, because it sells media. When the first vaccinated person dies that will be the biggest glory fest of media of all. Never mind that it has been clearly demonstrated that within 4 weeks of a first vaccine it is possible to contract this type of virus and die for it. All cases outside 4 weeks result in infections which don't lead to death. But that will be ignored and you will have to dig really hard to find it.
It will be another year before the "story that keeps on giving" falls out of the mainstream press and media because they will keep it going as long as they possibly can. The more people believe this drivel the more the government will be affected by it.
Mind you I see the Tories, for local elections, are polling way ahead of Labour in Brexit constituencies. Unlike politicians and the press, the people, in general, are honourable and reward those who give them what they want.
That last bit is a bit off topic and was not intended to drive us down a rathole. It was an example.
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Those who understand Binary and those who do not.