Today I saw an article about how "blanket" BMI is doing a disservice to BME people because it does not differentiate and they might wind up not being tested for diabetes and that they may have diabetes and not be getting treatement.
I read this in the article
According to NHS guidelines, an adult with a BMI of 30kgm-2 or above is obese, a point at which action would be taken to prevent type 2 diabetes
Really? Well I've been over 30 for two decades. I was over 40 for 3 years. Having lost 10kg since the beginning of the year, I'm still over 39 on their bloody scale.
They are all into it, height, weight, do the calc, test for blood sugar. Even in the middle of my treatment for a heart attack the French doctor wanted my height and weight, calculated my BMI, age, shook his head and directed a blood test. Nurse takes my blood with an apologetic smile and looks at the machine.
Queue astounded reaction as my blood sugar returns 100% absolutely bloody normal.
It is beyond irritating this categorisation. Why is my blood sugar normal? I don't drink a lot of alcohol, absolutely no sugared drinks which includes coffee (hate tea), don't take a lot of sugar in my diet including cereal with no sugar at breakfast time. I also tend to keep carbs out of my diet a lot.
If I were to develop diabetes I would have something seriously wrong with me because my body insulin response is rarely triggered to excess therefore it is in perfectly good working order.
None of the above counts though and nobody in the medical establishment is the slightest bit interested. Nope, BMI over 30 and you are fercked.
Bunch of numpties.