Deaths will come down as the 3 million Omicron cases flush out of the system. Because, as we have been saying, most of these deaths are not from people who are suffering critical Covid bronchial symptoms. These are people who, in a large part, died with covid. Those dying of covid continue to drop.
As the numbers of people with covid, who are dying, reduce, the number of reported covid deaths will fall. That will take another 4 weeks to flush out of the system.
You really want to make this hard for me. So here we go. From today's Worldometer, the Worldometer history and the UK covid stats.
Since this Omicron wave kicked in, early Dec, we have.
2.96 times as many active cases as we had at the beginning.
3.18 times as many deaths recorded as covid
63% as many serous or critical. Yes 27% LESS serious/critical than when we had 1m actively infected.
There is a near 100% correlation between the actual number of cases active and the number of people recorded as dying with Covid.
At the same time people who are seriously ill with Covid, not something else, are reducing. In fact the ratio goes like this.
Serious cases per infected person:
Dec 2nd: 0.084
Jan 27th: 0.017
That is 470% less people seriously ill with Covid, after being infected, than was the case at the beginning of December.
If there are 470% less people seriously ill with covid; why are the number of people dying and recorded as covid deaths an almost 1:1 correlation with the number of people infected? The ratio of infected to deaths has not changed at all.
Now for the next fact which proves that these numbers are going to go down dramatically. The Omicron wave peaked out at 3.6m people infected. It is falling, dramatically. Today there were 83,000 more people recovered than newly infected. The number of active cases is dropping. As the number of active cases drop, the number of deaths will drop. As we have already proven, the number of active cases is directly proportional to the number of Covid deaths reported. Regardless as to whether they are serious or critical or not.
There is only one way this is going.