A different way with potatoes.

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A different way with potatoes.

Postby Workingman » 05 Feb 2022, 18:45

Roasted potato accordions with a herby butter coating.

Couple of medium to large waxy/starchy potatoes - any general purpose spud
125g lightly melted butter
2 crushed garlic cloves
1 dsp dried mixed herbs, ready mix or make your own - any of oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley sort of thing
Salt and pepper

Set the oven to 200 C (420 F) Mix the herbs and garlic into some softened butter and set the bowl aside in another bowl of warm water.

Cut the potatoes lengthwise along the flatter side and cut off the rounded ends, keep them. Take one of the halved potatoes and set it on the flat cut side. Place a pencil, or similar, either side and make cuts across down to the pencils so that you do not cut through - about 3mm (1/8") thick - do them all. They will look like baby armadillos.

Take a baking tray lined with oiled greaseproof paper / parchment and lay out the cut ends of the potatoes to make see-saw type stands for the potato accordions to sit on. Coat the accordions all over with the now melted herb butter and place on the round end stands then brush more herb butter into the many cuts you made earlier. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake in the middle of the oven for about an hour till crisp on the outside and soft in the middle, basting with the remaining butter every 15 mins or so.

Serve with a grilled steak / chicken breast, slaw and salad.
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