cromwell wrote:Brexit came with certain expectations and those expectations have not been met.
Why does everyone forget that the Brexit withdrawal agreement was signed and done under the shambolic mess of a hung parliament??
Then when the government attempts to rectify that, the whole world screams "you can't do that it is an international treaty".
Those who voted to get a different Brexit than we have should have voted for May instead of playing the arse and being unfocused. By they time they focused, it was a done deal and the NI situation exists. Because our Parliament would not allow anything else to happen.
No point in voting in a landslide when it's too late unless you then back up the action needed to fix it. Namely to ditch the NI protocol. Which, apparently, many of these voters don't want the government to do. So they need to make their minds up and set their expectations accordingly. Otherwise if they expect something to be done, then stop the government from doing it, they will never get what they want.
Meanwhile the press spend their whole time muddying the waters and telling the people one thing then insisting they said something else or telling you the government said one thing when they certainly said something else.
It is why I ignored the whole partygate thing and a whole load of of other stuff the MSM is going on about. They want one thing and one thing only. To get rid of this government, even if it what we get is way worse than what we have. Because if it is way worse, they'll have free news ideas for the following 5 years.
It is quite likely that any coalition which beats the Tories at the next election will have the SNP in it. So what happens if they get a new Indyref and it succeeds? The whole house of cards collapses again... That being said, the Tories win in rUK thereafter.
Why can't people see that the way we approached Covid was allowed because of Brexit. That our solution fitted our country and not a cabal of 28. That our response to Ukraine is there because of Brexit. Not waiting for a bunch of reluctant states to get off their fossil fuel fix in order to do something, just doing it. Our response to illegal immigration is going to happen and it will continue. Yet because it has not yet happened and the boats keep coming, the assumption is that nothing is being done.
The next year of this government will allow for the culmination of a range of activities which have been sidelined by Covid.
As for the party of low taxes? Cameron put my taxes up, he had to, Blair and Brown walked right into the financial crisis totally blind. The impact was crippling and the economy had to be stabilised. It was no thanks to the EU who were standing there with their hand out for money to fix their own problems. Now we've had 2 years of Covid and ridiculous spending. Just who do the people think is going to pay for it? Santa? It was always going to be the people. There is no free lunch, I thought everyone over school age already knew that.