Good morning on Wednesday

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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby Ally » 05 Dec 2012, 14:59's funny how words mean different things.

Tatting to us means rummaging in dustbins or goods left out to be then re used. :lol:
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby elusivelaine » 05 Dec 2012, 15:01

I can't imagine making lace- I'd never have the patience for it! I give you lots of credit for doing it, tho...

It's a lovely, cold sunny morning here. My boss will be in - so I'll have to pretend I'm working... :lol: :D
Not much planned for this evening - I've got to stop and gas up the car and then home to make dinner.
I managed to mail off my Christmas cards yesterday. I wanted to be sure all the international ones got
there in plenty of time. I also mailed off my pressies to my boys. So that's a load off my back now.

Happy Wednesday! 8-)
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby JoM » 05 Dec 2012, 15:11

allyluvselvis's funny how words mean different things.

Tatting to us means rummaging in dustbins or goods left out to be then re used. :lol:

I know :lol: I always refer to the junk that Joe insists on keeping as his old tat :lol:
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby JoM » 05 Dec 2012, 15:11

Elaine, I wish I was that organised!!
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby Ally » 05 Dec 2012, 15:15

You'll hate me then Jo. :oops: :lol:

All cards posted in the UK and the rest this morning from here.

5 loads of washing and ironing all done..and a curry cooking as I type. :D to iron her smart ass t shirt. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's only so's I can veg on the sofa tonight with lots of sweets. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby Aggers » 05 Dec 2012, 16:35

Good afternoon, all.

We've had a busy morning. Dog walking, then a journey to a massive garden centre that was all
stacked up with Christmas goods. Managed to get lost on the way, probably because of the
blinking sun. It was so bright and low in the sky that it was hard to see the road ahead or
read the road signs. (That's my excuse} The garden centre had a glass roof that was just what
the sun wanted to enable it to continue to harass us. I wished it had been raining. :roll:

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 05 Dec 2012, 17:02

Aggers the sun here today was so bright, and so low, that I had to dig my sunglasses out of my handbag :shock: :roll:

I walked down to see my MIL after all, had a cuppa and a natter, then walked on into town then down to the docks, which looked lovely in the sunshine ,and then home via town where I bought my Christmas stamps :)
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby tonicha » 05 Dec 2012, 17:38

I've been busy too - we have to, it's flippin' cold :shock:

Made some butternut squash soup, now in freezer, prepped for dinner - which is chicken breasts, cooked with cubes of presunto (which I'd bought as a lump, therefore had to cube and trim ish), peeled spuds and did the cabbage.

Up and downstairs taking washing in and out, beat Grumpy at cards and now going to sit in front of the fire :D

Planned tomorrow, blood test early, then butchers, lotto, post my cards ;) back home and have a huge fried breakfast :D Found some black pudding, so Grumpy is a happy chappy :lol:

If it's not raining, I would like to have a quick whizz around the monthly market, not been for about 6 months :(
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby fudgie21 » 05 Dec 2012, 21:50

Tonicha, please do not do anything that involve the words Quick and Whizz as you usually end up crocked...... :roll:
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Re: Good morning on Wednesday

Postby tonicha » 06 Dec 2012, 09:31

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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