Mobile Phone Charges

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Mobile Phone Charges

Postby cruiser2 » 01 Mar 2023, 15:35

Got an email to say the monthly payment would be increased by nearly six pounds.
I thought I would only pay £10.00 per month each month for thr 12 month contract. So sent a letter of complaint to CEO about this.
Have now got a reply to say that the increase will be to £10.73 per month till the end of the contract.
But I mis-read the original statement as it wa only for one month. I was being charged for calls to an 0871 number. All the other calls were in my free
So no more calls to 0871 numbers.
Have sent a reply expianig what has happened and thanking them for their help
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Re: Mobile Phone Charges

Postby TheOstrich » 01 Mar 2023, 21:30

It's very easy to get lulled into a false sense of security with some of these mobile phone contracts, Cruiser.
You think your monthly charge covers everything, but it doesn't.
I got caught out having sent a picture, I think, in a SMS text. Only cost me 54p+vat or something like that, but lesson learned.
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Re: Mobile Phone Charges

Postby Suff » 01 Mar 2023, 21:34

Ossie, sending a picture in a text automatically changes it to MMS (multimedia message), which costs. Of course if you use Whatsapp and send an image it's free.... But a lot of older people won't use Whatsapp.

I am stuck on a BT contract which keeps going up in price. I can't get off it because my contract includes roam like home in Europe and I can use it permanently over in Europe. The second I change the contract I wind up with 3 months in Europe. Which would cost me more than the price hikes.

Simply a case of grin and bear it.
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Re: Mobile Phone Charges

Postby Workingman » 02 Mar 2023, 16:23

As Suff says: always read the Ts&Cs very carefully.

Try not to use MMS as it does cost. WhatsApp is free but both ends have to have it. I find that good old email works as good as anything. Just send the recipient a (free) text to check their inbox for the images - plural. They can always transfer them to the phone if absolutely necessary. ;) :lol: :lol:
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