My old contract ran out at the end of January and the new offer, to start from 20 Feb 2023, was as good as anyone else was offering - 24 months at £25 pcm, 65Mbps unlimited, plus free landline calls at evenings and weekends. It rolled over without a hitch.
Today I received an email for my new bill. My charges, one month into a 24 month contract, will rise by 10.5% (CPI) plus 3.9% standing charge from April. The email states that these new amounts were as published in January 2023. What these con artists have done is sucked me into a 24 month contract at a fictitious price and locked me in so that the only way out is via a penalty payment.
Had they offered me a contract at the price they knew that they would be charging (£28.60 pcm) I, and many others, would have looked elsewhere. They knew this so they conned us.
I have just spoken to Vodafone, a script reader, and informed them that I require a call-back from someone who can deal effectively with my complaint by 4 pm on Friday. If not I will be reporting them to my MP, Ofcom and the Ombudsman.
To my mind what they are doing is borderline illegal.