Changing Emai address

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Changing Emai address

Postby cruiser2 » 20 Jul 2023, 07:44

I have two email addresses
With one of them, It is, I keep getting a lot of junk mail. I can get as many as 20 in a day. I try to block them before deleting them but they
still kep coming back.
So I am thinking of getting a new email address with another supplier and transferring essentila info across.

My broadband is with Virgin but I do not want to use their system.

Any advice much appreciated
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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby Suff » 20 Jul 2023, 16:08

Hi Cruiser,

Here is a list of free mail services. ... iders.html

I use Yahoo, both free personal and paid business.
I use Outlook (Hotmail)
I use Gmail and have several accounts there.

This article gives you a good overview of the whole offering.

My own personal view is that long standing services which are offering limited mailbox size and a range of services are likely to remain free. With the outlier of Yahoo which has always had a huge mail store and is likely to remain free permanently (relative to the next 30 years).

Other services offering much larger mailboxes and large message send sizes (30mb to 50mb), are more likely to wither start to charge or reduce services over time as costs mount.

Have a look. In many ways you will find it hard to do better than Gmail/Yahoo/GMX for the services. Spam will always be an issue, some systems handle it better than others. Yahoo often spams legitimate mail for me. That is far more irritating than letting spam through.
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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby Workingman » 21 Jul 2023, 17:25

I'll keep it short...

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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby Workingman » 22 Jul 2023, 14:11

It would be nice for a reply, Cruiser.

You ask. We try to help. Then... nothing, but because I am kind I will still try to help.

Cruiser, you are like me, you do not need loads of folders for different things, just a few for the necessaries.

GMX (or other) should act as your personal folder with its address ONLY given out to friends, family and for personal use such as solicitor, bank, NHS, GP surgery, council services etc. Trusted users. Outlook then becomes a throwaway address for all the other things.

Your new address should never, never, ever, be used to buy things: not cruises; not holidays; not airline tickets; not train tickets; not white goods; not furniture; not electricals; not food; not anything. Got it?

It should definitely NOT be used to login to newspapers, journals, chat rooms and other websites to view articles, vids, photos, even if the links are sent from friends. All of that and other rubbish should be left to your Outlook (throwaway) address..

As for Outlook spam there is a simple solution... read on.

Login to Outlook and go to your inbox.

Go to View>>>View settings, then Email. Under Layout under Focused Inbox select Do not sort my messages. Close the window and reselect Home. All your emails will now be in one place.

Back at your inbox hover over each email. As you do so a tick box will appear to the left, If you think it is spam, tick it. Once you tick an email the greyed out icons on the top tollbar become available. You can tick any number of emails you want, say 10 at a time.

Now look for the broom icon on the toolbar and click that. In the new window it will list all the spam you ticked and ask what you want to do with them. Pick Move all the messages.... At the bottom it will say Move To, with a drop down selection. Click and select Junk Email then OK. The mails will be moved to Junk.

Any new emails from those senders will now automatically go to Junk and you can empty the folder anytime you like. Just right click the Junk folder and empty. Outlook will eventually detect spam and junk it for you. If you keep repeating the process Outlook will eventually also learn what is spam.

Whatever you do please only give out your new address to trusted users. Keep it private.
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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby cruiser2 » 25 Jul 2023, 15:48


I am going to change to Yahoo.

It will take a liitle time to transfer some info but it should stop a lot of the spam I am now getting.

I already have a gmx one whichis fre of spam.
Have been to a funeral today so have only just got onto my PC
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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby Workingman » 25 Jul 2023, 20:14

Cruiser, unless you do what I said in my last post re: only giving out your new (Yahoo) address to friends, family and for personal use such as solicitor, bank, NHS, GP surgery, council services etc. - Trusted users and so on - Paras 3, 4 & 5,.you are going to hit the same problem again and again.

Go have a good look at a broad selection of what you say are the spam emails in Outlook and GMX and see which addresses they are being sent "From" and then mark them as Junk or Spam.

Spam mainly gets in by many routes; such as web crawlers, buying lists of known addresses, speculatively using name@domain guesses then they "broadcast" in the hope of sucking people in. They can even steal contacts lists and raid the inboxes from anyone you have ever emailed.

Tips for your new email address:

Don't use your real name!

If you are going to use Cruiser or similar add some random characters behind it e.g. (makes it hard to guess)

Send an individual email to family and friends warning them to look out for you new address, but don't include it in the email.

For example: From: (your old address) To: Whoever. Subject: A change of plan:
"Look out for my new e-address. It will be 'Me' followed by some random characters at my new provider." Please do not give it to anyone else once received. Thanks.
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Re: Changing Emai address

Postby Suff » 29 Jul 2023, 17:16

I get 50 or 60 spam in my Yahoo personal and business accounts every day.

Spam is a fact of life unless you spend around £100 a month on one of the premium anti spam services.

Following the practises of WM is a very good baseline for avoiding spam.

BTW if a site demands an email address when you are not registering to use it, I find works very well.
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