Good morning Monday

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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 21 Aug 2023, 10:06

Glad it went well at the dentist Jo and best of luck for 1st September.

I'm a glutton for punishment, went outside to cut another yucca, I'm so pleased with how they look, so off I went with my blister and scissors :roll: :lol:

By 8.30, it was hot, by 9.00, I was melting, so straight into the pool. Grumpy joined me (skinny dipping :oops: :lol: ) and that's it for our day 8-)
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby saundra » 21 Aug 2023, 10:43

Well as I expected Scarlett has surgery tomorrow morning to take pins out so a very early start for her like last time sigh
Surgeon had a cancellation so asked if she wanted it done tomorrow Scarlett was a bit upset but ok now is in Ikea for a bedroom make over
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby jenniren » 21 Aug 2023, 10:50

Morning all :D

Lovely and sunny 8-)

Enjoy your day out Ria.
Hope the antibiotics help Jo.
Poor Scarlett, hope all goes well tomorrow Saundra.

Boiler fixed this morning, oh how lovely it was to have a shower. I know it was only off for one day, but having to boil a kettle for everything was a pain.

Out most days from tomorrow so intend to be extremely lazy today.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cruiser2 » 21 Aug 2023, 12:44

Good afternoon everybody.

It is 21C here. Had lovely blue skies when I got up at 6.00 a,m. There are now lots of grey clouds and rain looks very possible.
After my brakfast took the car for its MOT and service. Got a taxi back as I didn't feel like walking. It is about a mile some of it uphill.
Electrician came and has fitted a new waterproof double socket outside. This will make it veryeasy when I am mowing the lawn.

Back home, changed and went on the bus to town. Posted a letter, wentto the bank, bought some batteries from Poundland. Then had lunch-soup and a pot of te for £5.00.
It includedtwo slices of brown bread.
Then caught a bus to pick up my car. The bus stop is only a few yards from the garage. With VAT and MOT cost just under £300.00. May just have an MOT
next year as I am not doing many miles.

Now going to have a drink and relax.
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