When making projections and declaring demise

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When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Suff » 19 Jan 2024, 23:05

It is good to remember this.


So when the DM tells you that EV's are a no event and it's all crap and going away.....
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Workingman » 19 Jan 2024, 23:30

The Internet is available to billions around the globe for pennies, and the Mail got it wrong. But the Internet server farms allowing it to operate are a concern. They are not green.

EVs are an environmental disaster sold as green, net-zero and emissions free, but they get most of their juice from gas! They are anything but environmentally friendly. However, the zealots will keep on promoting them as the greenest of green transport while they destroy pristine environments somewhere over there, out of sight and out of mind from most of us.
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Suff » 20 Jan 2024, 09:16

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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Workingman » 20 Jan 2024, 10:35

Phang Nga eh?

That almost pristine area of national parks, beauty spots, bays, islands and inlets whose only urban centre is the holiday town of Phuket. That Phang Nga?

Paradise about to be destroyed for a battery.

Nobody, not anybody anywhere, has ever said that lithium is scarce, that's the line used by the zealots who can then counter it with articles such as above. Make up a lie then disprove it.

What we have said is that getting the lithium is environmentally destructive and the article proves it, but by accident. You zealots always but always body swerve that truth.
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby cromwell » 20 Jan 2024, 12:30

Projections always change.
I remember in the seventies we were told we were going to enter an ice age, and that all the oil under the sands of Arabia would be used up inside ten years.
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Workingman » 20 Jan 2024, 13:30

Cromwell, there was a time when our ancestors did not fully understand what their actions were doing to the planet - they just did not have the science or technology to understand, so they can be partly forgiven.

Then we did start to understand, 20th century sometime. Unfortunately, we were so confident that we had the answers that we carried on. The atmosphere was so massive that we could throw anything up there and it would cope. The oceans covered two thirds of the planet and were so deep that the fish would never run out. Keep calm and carry on, so we did. We still are!

Now we are approaching the point of no return on many fronts and all we are doing is pretending that we can solve all the issues. See Net Zero for details. The main focus for businesses and politicians is to keep us all happy and contented. We must be allowed to have ALL the things we want ALL the time. So, we dig up, suck up, chop down, burn, till and we do it faster than ever so that more of us can have more and more stuff.

God forbid, we should live without the latest gadgets, gizmos and fashions.
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Suff » 23 Jan 2024, 18:26

Yeah net Zero is not what it is sold as WM. But if you want to put the fire out, first stop pouring the fuel on it.

Crommers, We reached peak interglacial around 10,000 years ago. They were quite correct in the 70's that by all historical evidence we "should" have been heading back into an ice age. The data is correct and we are right on the cusp.

But this is the smoking gun of CO2. Not only are we not going to end up in a new ice age, we are heading the other way. Back towards the primordial swamp. That is what CO2 does. But it takes time. Decades and decades. Because the heat sinks in the world (called ice caps), have to melt first before the temperature can rapidly accelerate. Those heat sinks are melting.

If you make a square of tube and fill it with water, then put a heat source just above the bottom left corner and ice in the top right corner, you will find that the temperature of the water, in general, will not really change as you pour the heat in. Until the ice melts.

Right now we are in ice melting mode as can be seen in the link below. That it Arctic Ice summer minimum volume. It is going. When it is gone..... Well a lot of heat comes up to the Arctic to be cooled and sent back south again. Today that heat is melting ice instead of being cooled.

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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Workingman » 25 Jan 2024, 18:16

The last interglacial period peaked about 120,000 tears ago, not 10,000.

The last ice age ended about 11,000 years ago, so we are in a warming phase.

According to the cycles we have about 100,000 years to go before the next peak.

We will not get there. We will trash the atmosphere, overfish and poison the oceans, cut out our lungs (trees), destroy our natural environments, and for what? EVs, a new smartphone, anyone?

Billions of us will be living in more and more megacities like Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai. Mexico City, and doing so just to survive and make money for more tat gadgets and gizmos so we can be "comfortable", which will accelerate the destruction. 15 million in Manchester and Leeds, 20 million in Brum, Landarn? and then ...

Unless we make real changes - not net zero - and many fewer of us start to live a simpler life I'll give us a few generations before those of us who are left become scavengers in the wastelands. Diamonds, money and gold will mean nothing; Gates, Jobs, Wozniak, Buffet and Musk etc. take note, but the man who can grow a cabbage will be king.

BTW, if you put ice in a container of water and heat the water the ice will melt. It matters not where the heat source is nor where the ice is except.... if the ice is floating the level of the water in the vessel will stay the same, but if the ice is resting on a shelf at the surface of the water and it then melts into the water the level of the water will rise: Arctic v Antarctic (mostly). Displacement & Relative Density 101. Salinity alters things a bit, but not much.
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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Suff » 26 Jan 2024, 19:38

Our interglacial warming started about 12,000 years ago. Peaked about 10,000 years ago and CO2 has been rising since to the peak of CO2 before dropping into the valley of the next ice age.

It is one of the reasons the denialists claim we're going into an ice age. Because they can show temperatures warmer than now from around 10,000 years ago.

But see the orange line on the CO2 chart below. If we don't get control of it then it is going to get control of us.

Net Zero is part of it. If you want to stop your house burning, stop throwing fuel on it.

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Re: When making projections and declaring demise

Postby Workingman » 26 Jan 2024, 23:33

The interglacial "peak" was about 120,000 years ago, the trough was about 12,000 years ago, that is not a "peak". It was what we call an "ice age" and lasted till about 10,000 years ago, give or take, then temps started to rise again. Got it?

We had nothing to do with either, it is a natural cycle.

But we are influencing that cycle in the present, and drastically so. Those of us alive today will probably get away with having all the things we want (not need) when we want them. It might also be true for the next generation, but after that all bets are off.

And, yes, I am a pessimist given the evidence I observe.
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