My lovely Polish neighbours, both working, have been given a Section 21 because their landlord sold the property. They are having problems re-renting and have only eight weeks to move. They, obviously, do not want to sit in and go for a court eviction as that would make problems for future tenancies.
Part of the problem is their English, it's good, but with an accent. I suggested using text or email.
We have tried the Council, Citizen's Advice and Shelter for help, but they are not yet homeless.
I have searched local lettings agents and given them a list, but properties go so fast - it's a popular area. From next week I will be on all the sites for the latest rents and will arrange for me to view them asap, I'm retired so can go anytime. Greg and Aggie will register with agents and also get notifications.
I have a spare room if they need it till they find a place.
Two month's notice nowadays is not enough given the market.
Any other suggestions?