Good morning Tuesday

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Good morning Tuesday

Postby Ally » 25 Jun 2024, 04:47

Good morning.

Another scorcher so I'll be having my swim at 7am. :lol:

Jacob and Inma are coming over to take us out for lunch.
Thank goodness Gambrinus has lovely big parasols. :P

Sewing Bee tonight. :cute:

Have a great day.

Vibes for your friend's daughter Kaz. xxx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 25 Jun 2024, 07:52

Morning Ally and everyone

Mist slowing going and although it's a little damp and cool out there, will warm up, but not as much as it has been Only 30C today.

Continued vibes for your friends daughter Kaz xx

Another disturbed night, not the dogs, but the blasted mozzies. I let Molly out at 4.00, tried to get back to sleep, then we were buzzed, Grumpy was bitten about three times. didn't like me so much, only once :lol:

Sprayed the room and off to the other room and then just as we were nodding off, Molly was at the window, wanting to come in :roll:

I'm off to the Algarve with a couple of friends, hitting the Alerta charity shop and also dropping off various bags of items from people up here. There isn't a charity shop anywhere near here, although I'm in cahoots with Maxine, Lynda and other bods, seeing if we can start one up here. I'll be taking empty bags down ,so I can come back up with a load of books :Hi:

Lynda will drop me off at the bar, we'll have a couple of beers, then back for fish and chips :Hi:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 25 Jun 2024, 07:58

Morning all :)

Have a lovely time Al - stay in the shade :) xx

Mozzies sound a real nuisance Jan :? Have a good time charity shopping xx

It’s going to be warm here today :D We’re up early as the new conservatory is being delivered some time between now and 9.30 - exciting times! I have a ton of ironing to do - not so exciting :lol:

Thanks for the good wishes for G, hopefully today will see better news.

Have a good day everyone xxx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cruiser2 » 25 Jun 2024, 08:10

Good morning everybody.
There was lovely blue skis when got up.But there are ow clouds which are blocking out the sun. But it is 18C and should get warmer.

Am going to town as I want to go to the bank nd some shopping.
This afternoon I will finish weeding the back garden. Only a small section to do. I will be out in the fresh air. I put sun cream on
and wear a cap.
More vibes for your friend Kaz.

Have a good day everybody
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JoM » 25 Jun 2024, 08:57

Morning all, another hot one.

I’ve made the mistake of taking the covers off the sofa in the downstairs living room to wash them. It’ll be a hot job wrestling them back on again later. Might feign an injury and get John to do them :P

Bill had a very early walk. I’ll set him up with a fan shortly but for now he’s found a cool corner to lie in, or sulk in seeing as I’ve removed the covers from ‘his’ sofa :lol:

Vibes are continuing Kaz, hoping for an improvement very soon x

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Osc » 25 Jun 2024, 09:10

Morning all. It’s totally overcast here but warm already. Edward was awake so got up early and has headed off walking to the golf club. I got up in my dressing gown to have breakfast with him. So after I have my shower I might go for a walk before doing lots of bits and pieces during the day. I need to defuzz my legs and various other holiday prep stuff. I have housework/laundry more or less up to date. My sister said she might pop in while on her way to collect Kellie from school. Hopefully today I’ll also do more of my jigsaw which has been neglected since last week. So not too frantic a day ahead.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cromwell » 25 Jun 2024, 09:17

Good morning.
Warm but wall to wall cloud here.
Poor Bill!
Off to get a paper shortly, later on we will pick Eliza up from school.
Apart from that not much happening.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 25 Jun 2024, 09:45

Jo, we bought one of those “cool pads” for Fraggle. He definitely slept better on it last night.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby jenniren » 25 Jun 2024, 10:48

Morning all :D

Lovely sunshine 8-)

We haven't had any food deliveries the last couple of weeks, our cupboards and freezer were bursting. We're back on the salads so will be off to the small Tesco in the next hour, need to stock back up on lettuce, toms and so on. I'm doing poached salmon to go with it tonight.

We got the garden furniture nicely cleaned yesterday, even though it's all covered, it's amazing how much rubbish gathers underneath :o Planning to make good use of it when we get back, we'll be sitting outside under a huge umbrella.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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