Good morning Saturday

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Good morning Saturday

Postby Ally » 29 Jun 2024, 06:00

Good morning.

Sunny and hot. 8-)

After my swim it's a lazy Suzy day for me.
I've been out socialising so much recently I plan to relax aplenty before I head off on Friday. :P

TV tonight and a Chinese takeaway. :D

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby JanB » 29 Jun 2024, 07:25

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Damp and grey this morning :shock: :? Got me cardi on too :roll:

I'll water the pots later, as they won't be getting too much of this misty rain and then do the prep for dinner.

My plans for being outside have been put on hold again, so another lazy day inside.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 29 Jun 2024, 09:00

Morning all :)

Ally, relaxing sounds like a plan :) xx

Jan, Becky's in her cardi too, in Adelaide :lol: She's had to buy woolies as she only took summer clothes :lol: xx

It's a bit cloudy here, it started out bright enough. We're going out to Knead, up near Cirencester, to have breakfast with our friends. It's love!y up there, beautiful countryside :) Then round to see D later.

Spoke to B earlier, she loves the family she's working for, especially little H who is very cute, and very bright. He loves drawing and reading, and playing lego, all of which is right up B's street. She's also cooked for the family a few times, she pinged me the other day to show me the shoulder of lamb and roasted veg she was making - so we'll be expecting more than her usual pasta efforts for us when she gets home ;) :lol:

Have a good day everyone :) xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby cruiser2 » 29 Jun 2024, 09:11

Good morning everybody.

We have had rain again. Still lots of grey clouds but the sun is trying to show itself. It was 18c when I got up.But I have put a cardigan
on as I am feeling cold.

Just a day of pootling. an aways find something to do.

Kaz, I love a shoulder of lamb with mint sauce.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby victor » 29 Jun 2024, 10:21

Morning all,
Beautiful here hot and sunny.
Been up since before 6 as I woke up and saw the bedside light was off.
Got up to reset the trip as kitchen sockets and garage are on same circuit.
After unplugging all the sockets ,determined that it is the socket for the garage that is causing the trip,odd as nothing has been altered in the last 4 years.
Got a freezer in the garage but fortunately what was in there fits in kitchen freezer.

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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby JoM » 29 Jun 2024, 10:22

Morning all, it’s cloudy here and quite cool.

Had such a great time last night seeing The Charlatans and Johnny Marr. The Charlatans were superb but Johnny Marr was a level above, absolutely incredible and one hell of a setlist. I was cussing John though afterwards, as was Joe. He’d dropped us off at Birches Valley where the concert area is but John had told him to pick us up elsewhere on the Chase as there are thousands leaving at the same time, he said it was a 15 minute walk. I don’t know that part of the Chase so well so took his word for it and told Joe to meet us at 11. The concert finished at 10.45 so off we went with a torch as we had to walk through woods.
15 minutes?? A 45 minutes brisk walk later we got to Joe’s car. He actually called me at one point because he thought we’d got lost :lol:

Not much planned for today. Joe’s just gone to get the train into Birmingham with his friend. I need to take my Dad’s shopping and also call into the wool shop.

Lovely to hear about how B is getting on Kaz :D

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby jenniren » 29 Jun 2024, 11:24

Morning all :D

Lovely sunshine 8-)

We've had a lie in and just finished brekkie. Hoping to take a walk along the seafront, how far we get depends on if we can park the car down there. I'd love to try to get all the way along, but I've not walked that far yet and I'm very aware that wherever we leave the car I have to be able to get back to it. If there's no parking we'll make do with a walk along the clifftop. Whichever it will be lovely in this weather.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby cromwell » 29 Jun 2024, 11:34

Good morning.
Grey and damp here.
We may go looking for me a new pair of Skechers today, that's about it.
Have a nice day everyone.
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