Good morning Monday

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Good morning Monday

Postby Ally » 01 Jul 2024, 05:56

Good morning.

38° forecast for the next week. No surprises there. :lol: 8-)

Meeting Ely at 8am for our convowalk. :D

Back for a swim. :D

I really ought to make a list and get my little case out.
But knowing me I'll leave it till Thursday. :lol:

Footy tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JoM » 01 Jul 2024, 07:22

Morning all, it’s a sunny one.

I’m waiting to walk Bill. Joe’s working away this week so I wanted to see him off, he was due to be picked up at 6.30 but 55 minutes later he’s still here. The fella who he’s going with is a terrible time keeper though and whenever there’s a site visit and he picks Joe up he’s never on time. Joe thought he would be today though seeing as they have to be in Yeovil for 9am!

No plans other than the usual Monday post-weekend tidy up.

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cruiser2 » 01 Jul 2024, 07:53

Good morning everybody.

Still only 18C with grey skies but no rain.

When I went for the paper I also bought a two litre bottle of milk. It lasts me two days. I have it with my cereal and drinks of tea.
It has gone up ten pence. It is now £1.55. It was £1.45 last week.
I thought inflation was coming down.
Just another day of pootling.
JoM, I am a good timekeeper. Sometimes my wife used to get annoyed when I told her what time we would have to leave if we were going out.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 01 Jul 2024, 08:27

Morning everyone

Was a lovely morning when we went out just after 7.00, but the clouds are back, as is that nasty wind, making it feel rather cold.

That's the watering done, if the clouds and wind stay, then it's another inside day. Although I do have a funeral to watch, on-line, this afternoon. I might just turn it on and leave the room :roll: I only asked to be told when it was, so I could just be aware, but I've been sent all the details :roll:

Might pop down to the bar later, with all the recycling and drop in a postcard for Julia's boy's. They love having a furrin card every now and then :D

Footie tonight :Hi:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby jenniren » 01 Jul 2024, 11:21

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

Not sure what's happening today, we're waiting in for a Tesco delivery between 12-1. Might potter about in the garden this afternoon, all the wind we've had has brought down lots more palm leaves. Honestly I don't know where they all come from, the tree always look full, but the ground around it often looks like it's sitting on a carpet!!

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cromwell » 01 Jul 2024, 11:30

Good morning.
I have just dropped MrsC off at her Uncle Jimmy's to tidy up. He's back in hospital again, I think that's the third or fourth time this year.
He's fallen and is very confused. I think he may have had a mini stroke. His speech is very slurred.
Very grey again here, the ever present clouds are with us again.
i don't really know what's happeing today, we'll have to see how it goes.
Have a good one everybody.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 01 Jul 2024, 12:45

The clouds went, the wind dropped and it's been a lovely, sunny, warm morning. Done loads outside, got stabbed twice by the blasted yucca's :evil:

Just going to "watch" the funeral.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 01 Jul 2024, 15:25

Afternoon everyone :)

Blimey that’s hot, Al! Please bring us some sunshine for next week ;) xx

Ouch Jan, not too painful I hope :? xx

I hope Joe wasn’t waiting too much longer Jo! xx

Afternoon Cruiser xx

We used to have a palm in our last house, Jen, so I know what you mean xx

Oh Crommers, that’s so sad. My friend Em has just lost some lovely neighbours of 35 years standing. They both have dementia and now the husband has started to have falls they’ve gone into care - up in Yorkshire, near to one of their daughters. Em will miss them xx

It started out overcast and slightly chilly here. Went into town to meet Em, and our old WW friend J, who usually meets us on the first Monday of each month. It’s always nice to catch up, over a bite. Did a bit of shopping, and got home about half an hour ago. Mick’s busy with the conservatory, and I’ve just done our front windows, porch, and the patio doors. Our window cleaner has hurt his back and will be out of commission for a while. I hope not for too long, we need a professional to reach our top two floors, but it seems a bit harsh to let him go while he’s injured :?

Love to all xxx
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