Good morning Friday

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Good morning Friday

Postby Ally » 27 Sep 2024, 04:05

Good morning.

Sunny and forecast 30°. 8-)

Up at 5am to see the twins off as Don's taking them to the airport. I might go back to bed for a few more zzzz's. :lol:

A swim later and Don's taking the car in for its 11.11 prompt ITV appointment. :lol:

Friday beers and tapas tonight. :D

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JanB » 27 Sep 2024, 07:29

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Misty but not cold and at least it will be dry today. A lovely lot of rain yesterday :D

Safe travels to your boys Ally x

Washing will be done as will the cleaning today.

Might even get some weeding done later.

Hope Mrs O is feeling better and much improved x

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 27 Sep 2024, 08:00

Morning all :)

Safe travels to the boys, Al, and that's a very precise appointment time :lol: xx

Glad you got some rain, Jan - would you like some of ours?. :cute: :P xx

It's belting down here! It is forecast to dry out by lunchtime, and I hope it does as I hate travelling in the rain :? Uncle Chas's funeral is at 1.30 at Hanworth crem, in West London, then a wake at my cousin's house in Ashford. We're setting off at about 10.30 to give us plenty of time.

Have a good day everyone xxx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby cruiser2 » 27 Sep 2024, 08:19

Good morning everybody,

It is only 15C with grey clouds. But the sun is trying to come out. No rain yet.

I am going to Chorley this morning. I am going tothe bank to pay in a cheque. I got a refund as one of my trains was late.
Kaz, Safe journey. Long time since I rove in the London area. It is bad enough in Manchester

Ally, Hope your car passes its MOT and is not too expensive.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 27 Sep 2024, 08:20

Morning all, it’s raining.

It’s a day of hanging around here. The Tesco delivery is due later this morning, Parcel Force are bringing something sometime and Royal Mail are collecting a couple of parcels too.

Joe’s off to Prague with his friend Zak this afternoon, just a short break and they’ll be back on Sunday night. They’re hoping that the flight times will work out for them to make it to a Sparta Prague match tonight.

Safe journey Kaz, and I hope all goes well xx

Love to all :D
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby meriad » 27 Sep 2024, 08:42

Hello and good morning all, happy Friday

Ally, good luck with the car, and as always - enjoy the Friday tapas and beer
Jan, busy day for you - don't overdo it!
Kaz, safe travels! I think you should be OK weather wise as it's drying up here, but the roads will still be wet so wise to give yourself extra time. Hope the afternoon goes as well as these things can (((hugs)))
Cruiser, as always - enjoy Chorley.
Jo, safe travels to Joe and his friend and hope they make it in time for the match. Enjoy your day of hanging around :-)

I am meant to be working from home, but with the office closing (Monday is the last day for everyone, bar a few of us) there isn't much to be done besides final expenses for the team; so I'm going to do some this morning and then head into town to meet up with Nadine for lunch. Vet appointment at 3pm and then I'll do a bit more work.

Have a lovely day all x
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby jenniren » 27 Sep 2024, 08:52

Morning all :D

Dull and chilly :roll:

We're up at silly o'clock as we have dental appointments this morning. Not my choice to have them so early, we were supposed to go last week and she rescheduled so it was take what was available. I hate going, keeping fingers crossed she doesn't find anything needs doing. We'll have brekkie when we get back, my stomach is too nervous to eat this early.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 27 Sep 2024, 09:11

Ria, I hope the vet appointment goes well :)

Jen, fingers crossed for you. I hate going to the dentist too and had my appointment on Tuesday, I felt just like you. All good thankfully so I’ll relax a bit now until I get an check up appointment email in six months :roll:
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Osc » 27 Sep 2024, 10:01

Morning all, after yesterday’s storm, things are calmer and dryer this morning, it’s still breezy though and verging on cold. Off to mobility class this morning then I have a hair appointment at 12.30. We won’t go dancing tonight as we’ll be doing a lot tomorrow night. Just need to tidy around before I go out and leave some lunch ready as I have a quick turnaround between class and hairdresser!
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby saundra » 27 Sep 2024, 16:17

JoM wrote:Ria, I hope the vet appointment goes well :)

Jen, fingers crossed for you. I hate going to the dentist too and had my appointment on Tuesday, I felt just like you. All good thankfully so I’ll relax a bit now until I get an check up appointment email in six months :roll:

We have one dentist now here if you can get on his patent list there is a 5 year wait for an appointment when new people come to live here they are advised to keep there dentist so some go to there dentist in :| Sheffield Leeds even Scotland disgraceful to say the least
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