Spuds, whatever you have.
Fish, (haddock, whiting, cod (ugh) pollock. Same volume as the spuds. You can use tinned salmon, mackerel or tuna - you need less of those
A bit of flour and water to make a paste
Parboil the spuds till they are nearly cooked and drain well, then mash with the S&P. It should be a dryish mash.
Slowly cook the fish in a dry pan and leave to cool then flake or go with tinned fish.
Squish the spuds and fish in a bowl (I like to add some chilli and oyster sauce but they are optional, very optional).
Mix everything into a big ball then flatten it into a cake about 2cm thick. I use a biscuit cutter to make the cakes but you can just cut off pieces and shape them by hand.
Dip the cakes in the flour paste and then coat in breadcrumbs and cool in the fridge to stiffen up. Cook straight away in shallow oil or freeze.
Eat with mushy peas or, if you must, baked beans.