Nuclear Wotsit

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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby Osc » 17 Feb 2025, 10:09

Here in Ireland, it has been mostly grey and miserable, it seems like forever. When the sun does shine, it just feels wonderful, but it doesn’t happen enough. It’s still very cold too, getting fed up with it now - the world is bad enough, you’d think the universe would give us a break!
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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby cromwell » 17 Feb 2025, 12:07

It's been grey and freezing for a while now. Too long.
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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby Workingman » 17 Feb 2025, 15:59

Hi Weka, lovely to see you.

The other day I was reading an article on Sky News (now taken down) saying that this winter we have only had 65% of the average sunshine, and on some days in February it was as low as 39%.The number of days that I have had a light on all day has been bonkers.

It is no wonder we all feel so low and miserable. I have been taking a vitamin D caplet every day since October but they are not of much use if you still cannot get out because of the rain, wind and snow.... and lack of sun.
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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby Weka » 19 Feb 2025, 06:00

TheOstrich wrote:
Weka wrote:Good to know we are in for a hard winter this year. We always seem to follow. Out of interest, was your last summer very windy? The spring winds this year just have not let up! Still the ocean is warmer than I remember it being in a long time, it almost felt tropical the other night. We even had a sea snake in Auckland the other day. While it’s not unknown for them to visit here from time to time, it’s very unusual, and we have now had 2 in 3 years (known)

It was very windy this Autumn, Weka, we have had strong gales I'd say at least once a week. Some of the gusts have been amongst the strongest on record.

We haven't had sea snakes, but we have been invaded by Aesculapian snakes. :shock: Or at least Colwyn Bay has. It's thought they escaped from a local zoo, but now there's quite a breeding colony established, Wouldn't want to find one in my attic! ... g-30950866
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

Sorry not stepping foot anywhere near there ever again!!!!
I’m a wee bit petrified of snakes. (That may be a wee understatement too)
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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby Weka » 19 Feb 2025, 06:05

It’s been really humid here too. Doesn’t get hotter than 28, but the humidity is a killer.
It’s so damp that I’ve been having to wipe the windows of dew on the car in the morning to see to drive. I don’t recall ever having to do this in summer and it’s been every morning for at least a month.

The universe is telling me to clean out the garage.
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Re: Nuclear Wotsit

Postby Kaz » 19 Feb 2025, 13:57

Ugh, high humidity is so draining :roll:
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