Good morning Friday

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Good morning Friday

Postby debih » 07 Dec 2012, 09:06

Morning all. Seems much warmer out there today but it is still pretty icy.

I'm off to the garage first thing to have my car checked over for the winter (should have got round to doing it before now, I know) and whilst it is there I am nipping to have coffee with my friend. Then pop into town to go to the library and Yeomans - I want to see if I can get some of those ice gripper things that go on your shoes. My sister has some and says they are fab and I think S could do with some for her walk to school.

Off to school for about 12.30 as it is the school open afternoon so I need to be around to show prospective parents and children around. Straight after is the school xmas fair which I am really looking forward to as this year is the first year I will be going and not actually helping to organise it.

No plans for this evening. We usually go out with friends but we were out last night so I think bath and night in front of the fire is called for tonight.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Diflower » 07 Dec 2012, 09:16

Morning Debih, morning all :)
A bit dull here and we had yet more rain yesterday and overnight but it's brightening up a bit now.
Bb's better than he was and no urgent appointments today so he's going to stay here and get a mountain of paperwork done which should help.
It means I have the car so am deciding where to go :)
Hope everyone's ok and has a good day
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby cruiser2 » 07 Dec 2012, 09:31

Morning everybody,
Lovely clear sky here but cold. Just popping in for a quick look. Have been to the gym. Had a coffee before getting changed to go to the bank , building society and do some shopping.
Then it will be putting up the rest of the decorations and writing the cards.

Good Morning

Postby lissie » 07 Dec 2012, 09:41

Have just read online that heavy snow is expected down South in the next hour or so :shock:
The sky is as black as night so it looks as if they are right.
Tripped over the rug as i was going to bed last night (too much scotch and too little water i expect)
and half pulled my toenail off. There was blood everywhere but i put some plasters on it and i think it has stopped.
It is agony to walk and my back pain is worse as well.
I hate getting old :( :( :( :(

Have a good day.

lissie :D
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Rodo » 07 Dec 2012, 09:42

Good morning!

It's nearly weekend again. Don't these weeks go by quickly. The rain stopped and the morning is just still and damp. We will be off out later on, first to get hubby's football tickets and then to call into Waitrose on the way back to order the stuffed leg of lamb for Christmas. After that some shopping at Sainsbury's and then home

That will be more than enough as we still find we get tired very quickly after having been ill. Hopefully a nice restful afternoon and evening.

I hope your day goes well

Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Ally » 07 Dec 2012, 10:24

Good morning :D

We had rain through the night. :D

Off for a power walk this morning. :)

Housey things to do on my return. ;)

This afternoon I'm choosing 12 photos to make up a calendar for mum and dad via vistaprint.

I done one last year and mum was totally over the moon with it. :D :D

I do all pics from their holidays over here as they have lots of happy memories from them. :)

Have a hug lissie. x

Enjoy the day.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby saundra » 07 Dec 2012, 10:29

morning all
rained all night so snow/ice has gone
very cold
and grey clouds
need to go to post office today
have a good day all
stay warm
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Re: Good Morning

Postby saundra » 07 Dec 2012, 10:36

ho lissie that must hurt
put a dressing round it if possible
some times i snub my toes on the bed
and wow the pain
do take care its comming black her as well
i dont hate getting old
i just feel old this weather ;) :)
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Re: Good Morning

Postby tonicha » 07 Dec 2012, 10:43

Oooh, Lissie, hope it's getting better. Have a hug xx

And rest today, if you can, put your leg up on pillows, that will help with the throbbing ;)
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby tonicha » 07 Dec 2012, 10:46

Morning everyone

It was chucking it down, very heavily, when I woke up, so I made a coffee and went back to bed with a book :D

The sun is out now, but also lots of clouds, so no doubt more rain is on it's way.

Off to get a few bits and bobs from Aldi's after my mammoth cooking afternoon as we need spuds and stuff.

Lissie, have another hug xx

Hope you all have a good day and keep as warm as possible xx
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