I'm wondering why the main news has nothing about the 7 days of rioting and burned vehicles in Stockholm. I should have seen it front and centre at least on Google news. In the end Mrs S mentions it to me and and I have to go digging for it.
This is not hard for me to believe, I know the tensions and, effective, dual layers of society in Sweden. However the lack of strong coverage on Western news is a surprise. Gay marriage is in NO way more important than this social crisis in Sweden. I see it covered in depth on RT news, but nowhere else I'm looking.
The more I see of this the more I understand that our news organisms are moving towards the same restrictions that the USSR had.
These riots will have a direct impact of producing more votes for the Sweden Democrats (think BNP with attitude). It will destabilise the socialist governments of Sweden and create greater bias against immigrants. This kind of thing is IMPORTNT. If it can happen in liberal Sweden, the ramifications for the rest of the EU are staggering. I can understand the death in Woolich taking the news. I can't understand this mania for reporting a minor side issue which is Gay Marriage......
We get what we deserve.