Unable to listen to online Radio

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Unable to listen to online Radio

Postby Oojamaflip » 08 Dec 2012, 11:08

This is a question on behalf of my mother. She's now got a very rudimentary ability to find her way around IE on her Windows laptop, and I've made her favourite local radio station one of her favourites. Because of her poorly eyes, I've made all pages on IE to be viewed magnified. Personally, that drives me made having to scroll up and down and left to right, but she's become accustomed to it. For when I need to use her machine, I've downloaded Firefox for quickness and ease, but she doesn't use it because it's 'different' to her IE and she can't read it. God bless her, she's easily confused, so I try and keep things as simple and straightforward as I can for her. I'm just delighted she's getting so much enjoyment (and frustration!) from her toy.

Adobe, Flashplayer, etc, etc, are all up to date on both browsers. For some reason IE has stopped playing her local BBC radio station. Every time I try and get it to work for her it says it needs to download something (I've not got her machine here, so I can't remember the exact phrase). After updating and frustratingly not being able to get it work, I've done the usual removing and re-installing of Flashplayer, but still the IE won't play her BBC local radio. It's absolutely fine in Firefox, but she's so new to it all, and has got so used to IE, she finds it confusing to use a different browser.

I'm sure it's something simple to do with settings, but any suggestions gratefully received.
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Re: Unable to listen to online Radio

Postby Workingman » 08 Dec 2012, 12:10

Ooj. if it opens as a tab in IE and all the other stuff is up to date have a look at the sound options from the speaker icon in the Systray. Open the mixer settings and make sure that the sound slider for IE is set to give some noise - assuming that the system control is also set for noise. You might also have to go Tools>>>Internet Options>>>Advanced tab.... then scroll down to the Mutimedia section and tick Play sounds in webpages.

If your link opens Win Media Player it has its own sound settings on its control panel.
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Re: Unable to listen to online Radio

Postby Oojamaflip » 08 Dec 2012, 21:25

The thing is, it plays in Firefox it's only IE which is 'broke', but thanks WM I'll try that next time I see her.
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