Good Morning Thursday

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Good Morning Thursday

Postby tonicha » 13 Dec 2012, 08:53

Morning everyone

Chilly here but the clouds aren't too thick, so hopefully the sun will come out :D Washing out already 8-)

Off down to the village to collect my blood test results, get the losing lotto ticket (and collect Grumpy's winnings :D ) and then try and see the doc with the results. I may be sometime, as I don't have an appointment, but they normally try and fit me in. And must colect Gladys bags too.

Big hugs to Di and Lissie and any-on else not feeling chipper xxx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Lozzles » 13 Dec 2012, 09:00

Morning Ton and chums :) Hope you don't have to wait too long at the docs today. Good luck :)
Freezy old day here. I need to get to my counselling job, so will leave earlier than normal as I have to drive down country lanes.
If I'm early I'll have a mooch around Winchester, which is always nice :D
Keep warm and safe everyone and big hugs and hot toddies to the poorly ones xxx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 13 Dec 2012, 09:26

Morning everyone :) It's absolutely freezing here today - it hasn't snowed again but what was already down has gone all icy by the looks of it :o

No real plans today - I might get to WW tonight (haven't been for two weeks) but otherwise a quiet one.....

Take care in the bad weather everybody xxxxx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby shazsha » 13 Dec 2012, 09:58

Good Morning :D

It's a cold one up here. My car's heater motor stopped working five days ago and the garage couldn't get a new one until February :? They advised me to go online and source one and it came yesterday. I'm now off to scrape the ice from said car and to take it into garage where I'll probably freeze my butt off for a wee while.
Later today I'm off out shopping with my niece and then it's home to sit in the heat and refuse to move!
Have a good day x
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 13 Dec 2012, 10:05

Oooh Shaz, not good weather for an unheated car! :shock: Hope it gets done ok :)

I finished my Christmas pressie shopping weeks ago *insert smug smiley* :oops: 8-)
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby saundra » 13 Dec 2012, 10:09

morning all
brilliant here bright clear cold
with frost but not much on the ground
cars sheds roofs
not doing much today
so stay warm every one
and hugs for all those under the weather
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby jenniren » 13 Dec 2012, 10:17

Morning all :)

Up nice and early as we're off to Thame. Eldest daughter's birthday pressie to Mr.J is a hotel night away which includes afternoon tea and an evening meal with champagne. It was a special deal and as we're off to Barbados in Feb she had to get the booking in before Christmas.

She's actually booked the afternoon tea bit for lunch time as they usually give far too much to eat and she thought it would allow plenty of time before dinner. I've only driven through Thame so it will be nice to have a wander round this afternoon. When my sister and BIL were here from Oz in the summer we took them to Blenheim Palace where they were offering free upgrades to annual passes so we've decided as we'll be quite close that's what we'll do tomorrow. It's all decked out for Christmas and tomorrow is the last day they're open this season :D :D :D
Hope you all have a good day :P :P :P

jen x
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby pederito1 » 13 Dec 2012, 10:29

Morning ladies, definitely only suitable for polar bears here but no wind so I might not get hypothermia for a few minutes if I went out :cry:
Have a nice day everyone, hope the results are OK, Ton and you dont have to wait too long and hope too they can fix your heater motor quickly, Shaz, they are rather buried I think and I would not know where to even look for mine. :)

Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby debih » 13 Dec 2012, 10:36

Morning all. It icy with thick fog here this morning. Brrr.

I've had to come into work to finish off some bits but I should be done by 11am and then thats me finished til 2nd January.

I will be making a trip to the tyre place straight after work. I went to get petrol this morning and noticed I had a flat tyre. The nice mechanic there put some air in for me and had a feel but couldn't feel, see or hear anything. But you don't just get a flat tyre for no reason. He said if it goes down again whilst I'm at work for me to slowly drive there (its only just up the road) but I'm hoping it doesnt go down again so I can take it into town to the tyre place as I know they can repair them rather than having to replace it.

Millie the Mad Mongrel is well this morning. Two small breakfasts, a walk and a play with her toys. She is off to the vets but Mick is taking her today as he arrived back from Scotland a day early so is taking the day off today.
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 13 Dec 2012, 10:42

Good morning :D :D

*Whispering this*'s really warm and sunny. :oops:

Been for a run. :D

Was supposed to be working 1-5 but just had a call asking me to work these hours but on Saturday.

As the Malaga game doesn't kick off until 10pm I said ok. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jenni..that all sounds lovely.

I'm off to pootle in the garden. :D

Enjoy the day.
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