The Scots are considering introducing a scheme of placing a deposit on drinks cans and bottles in order to get people to recycle them. It was commonplace when I was younger and we children would use it to top up our pocket money. A couple of dad's beer bottles and a few pop bottles were worth a shilling - not bad in those days.
In modern times it could lead to charity litter walks or even as a way for the homeless to earn a bit of cash. Either way it helps to keep the streets clean and help recycle valuable materials. I think that it is a great idea.
Then there's the other side of the coin.
Last night on Dragon's Den a couple had a scheme to recycle disposable nappies, of which millions go to landfill every day. They were to send them to a digester where the, ahem, organic materials were removed and used as compost. The plastics were then to be remade or added to such things as decking, roof tiles etc. It failed because neither of the couple could afford to give up their day jobs to expand it.... that's why they needed a dragon. On the same show the dragons were falling over themselves to buy into a beef jerky business. Ready money and lots of it. I bet the bags the jerky comes in will end up as litter.