Dog biscuits

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Dog biscuits

Postby Diflower » 01 Sep 2013, 13:14

Loads of recipes online but an awful lot have things like peanut butter in them, which seems most odd to me :?
And lots made with liver, to use as treats.
We wanted just Dog Biscuits; even this recipe had egg and powdered milk in it so this is how we did them:

1 cup boiling water
2 chicken stock cubes
About 2 tablespoons oil (we used vegetable, any would do)
3 cups wholemeal flour or a mixture

Oven 160c (in the fan oven I did them at 150 I think).
Pour boiling water onto stock cubes in a big mixing bowl, mix, add oil. Let it cool a little bit, but quite warm is fine.
Add flour, 1/2 cup or so at a time and mix in well. You'll have to use your hands at the end, knead a bit to a stiff dough.
Roll out to the thickness you want, they do rise a bit as they bake, so 1/4", 1/2 cm or so.
Use cutters or cut into squares/rectangles; put onto baking sheets (no need to grease) - they don't spread.
Bake for about 50 mins, till nicely coloured. They should be hard, but leave them in the switched-off oven for a couple of hours to harden more.
This made 107 biscuits, but a lot were rabbits which are small (the others were bones and stars :D )

You could add a bit of marmite or bovril for flavour. Don't worry about the salt in the stock cubes as all the recipes said to add salt, which we didn't, so they must need some.
They'll keep for ages, just like dog biscuits :D
I reckon they cost at the most 30p apart from the oven ;)
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby JoM » 01 Sep 2013, 13:50

Thanks so much for that Di :D
I'll let you know what Billy thinks!
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby Diflower » 01 Sep 2013, 14:28

Dogs eat cow poo, their opinion is not exactly Masterchef judge :lol:
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby JoM » 15 Sep 2013, 14:59

He loves them Di! He's very fussy with biscuits, doesn't like Bonios, has to be in the mood for Shapers...he took one of these, inspected it very carefully, munched it down and then went and sat staring up at where I'd put them on the counter :D
I put a bit of Marmite in too.
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby Diflower » 15 Sep 2013, 15:20

:lol: Glad he likes them - not that they cost much to make!
Yes I've usually added marmite too.

They're nice to give as Christmas presents for people who you like, but don't want to spend much, or make them feel obligated. So have you already got bone-shaped cutters?
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby JoM » 15 Sep 2013, 21:20

I have, and I used that along with a bunny, a bird and a circular cutter (which I tell him is his football biscuit) :lol:

Funny you should say about making them as presents because as soon as I saw that he liked them I thought I could make some for his friend Oakley, our friends' Golden Retriever for Christmas :)

Editing again - it's a shame that I no longer have to bake for school fayres, these would've been something a bit different which I'm sure would've sold well!
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby miasmum » 15 Sep 2013, 22:59

Diflower wrote:They're nice to give as Christmas presents for people who you like, but don't want to spend much, or make them feel obligated.

Hmm, I really would prefer bubble bath thanks
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby Diflower » 15 Sep 2013, 23:16

Lol Mm, but I wouldn't feel comfortable giving bubble bath to some people, it's kind of too personal - and some of them are male;)

Jo any time there's anything going on for the place you got Billy from for instance, as I did with dawgdogs, it's something you can do without getting over-involved or too costly.
I did them for them to give away, a free dog biscuit if they bought a cupcake or whatever, but they could as easily be sold :)

I love our bone and bunny cutters :D
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby Lozzles » 16 Sep 2013, 08:58

Oh I think I might give these a go :D
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Re: Dog biscuits

Postby Kaz » 16 Sep 2013, 09:05

:lol: Shell :lol:

I think I might try these too, now I seem to have a cookery mojo from somewhere :shock: :lol: :lol:
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