About time too, a judge has decreed that Social Workers who abduct children from parents without explanation SHOULD BE JAILED . these SS and those above them have been a law unto themselves. My mind goes back to the doctor who specified that a couples children had been sexually abused some four years ago, her findings following the trauma of the SS and the police wrenching these youngsters from the parents arms was found to be incorrect.
What do you think happened to the quack of a doctor? She was given a top position in another hospital in the South of England? Justice? There is no justice.
And as stated these apologies for doctors and the SS should be severely punished. Many little ones unjustly abducted were hastily adopted and the families unable to trace them.(for these SS departments to claim their massive bonus promised if they hit the targets.
I have always said we have a lot in common with the German Gestapo and that mentality pervades,putting down the elderly as they present a financial burden on the state. Ignoring child mutilation. Ignoring forced marriages. Ignoring the cruelty and abuse
That takes place daily in our society to children the elderly and the handicapped in care.
Caring society It doesn't exist.