A study of 25 million children in 28 countries carried out over 46 years shows that today's children are not as fit as we were at the same age; and it is not only in the West.
I suppose that this is not news as there are plenty of studies out there hinting at the same thing. Where this study deviates from the mainstream is that it has not opted for the easy targets of fizzy drinks, ready meals and fast food - chips with everything. It is looking more at the society we, that's us btw, have created and how it has changed over time.
It is quite complicated, and I suppose that it is easy to point the finger at technology - games consoles, TV etc., but for me it is much more than that.
When I was at primary school we had some form of exercise every day, but the curriculum is now so overloaded that there is no time for that sort of nonsense. We also have the excessive application of H&S putting the brakes on playground games. The increase in traffic has virtually killed street play and combined with a 'bogeyman on every corner' mentality children are not allowed out. Smaller patches of open ground within communities are now built on or carry signs saying, "Shhh, No ball Games." with dire warnings of penalties should the rule be broken. No youth clubs any more.
What have we done?