I have never, ever joined in a thread, far less started one, about the social care in Britain.
I've just watched a story on Sky news that has reduced me to tears.
A blind, practically deaf lady was explaining that her council, due to cuts, have now deprived her of the 4 hours a week care that she used to have.
4 hours!!
The young lady was filmed going to make herself some toast, the cameras watched as she 'felt' her way round to get the bread etc.
Due to council cuts she has no carer to tell her that her bread was mouldy, (obviously she could smell it was off as she took it out the wrapper) no carer to tell her how dirty her floors were, and no carer to come in for those 4 hours a week and just be a bit of company for her.
Why is this being allowed to happen?
Who is it that deems her needs to be so little that they deny her already paltry 4 hours?
I know I don't live in the UK any more..but most of my family and friends do so I obviously still care about what happens there.
(I'm just stating this so's I don't open a can of worms for myself. I would hate to receive a backlash of comments. Not from the normal VV traffic I hasten to add.)
It just made me sad to watch this.