Spare ribs anyone.

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Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Workingman » 20 Dec 2013, 18:22


That big pile of home done ribs in home-made sauce came in at under a fiver.

They are now off to my volunteer place where we are having a bit of a party. :P :P :P
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Rodo » 20 Dec 2013, 19:10

Wow! My hubby would kill for a bite of those!

Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Nanna » 20 Dec 2013, 19:11

Oh yum :D
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Lozzles » 21 Dec 2013, 00:07

Yummy :)
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby JoM » 21 Dec 2013, 00:10

They look delicious!! :D
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Diflower » 21 Dec 2013, 11:24

Mmmmmm yum yum yum, we love ribs :D
That sauce looks good WM :x :D
Hope you enjoyed the party :P
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Workingman » 21 Dec 2013, 17:45

I brought one portion home and it went straight in the microwave....... :)

For those who want to try..........

I got three racks of ribs, enough for 18 double rib portions, so these amounts are for them.

Splash of oil in a saucepan
1/2 tsp hot chilli powder - or more if you like hot
1 tsp Chinese five spice powder heaped
1 tsp garlic powder or three crushed garlic cloves
4 dsp soy sauce
4 dsp Worcestershire sauce
8 dsp of tomato ketchup
125 ml water
4 dsp Golden syrup

Gently heat the oil and add to it the chilli, five spice and garlic and stir till the oil starts to separate out then add the soy, Worcestershire and ketchup and give a good mix - you should end up with a fairly sloppy paste. Add the water in drips until you get a sauce consistency - you might not use all the water or you might need a drop more. Once you have the basic sauce start to add the Golden syrup. At this point keep tasting - what you should have is a hot and piquant spicy sauce which is also salty and sweet. You can adjust flavours at this point, but beware, they will develop over time.

Lay out the rack of ribs and either leave it whole or slice into singles or doubles. Place in a bowl and pour over 3/4 of the sauce. Rub in well and cover. Leave for at least four hours, or overnight, making sure to turn the ribs in the sauce every so often.

Give the ribs one last turn in the sauce and place them on a rack in a roasting tin. Cover with foil and cook in an oven at 150C. After one hour turn the ribs, re-cover and continue cooking for one more hour at 180C. Remove the ribs from the roasting tin and pour off any juices into a bowl then deglaze the tin with water and pour that into the bowl. Return the ribs to the roasting tin and cook uncovered at 200C this time turning them every fifteen to twenty minutes until they begin to crisp up. During that time place the reserved juices from the roasting tin in a suacepan and begin to reduce by about a third to a half then add to the remainder of the original sauce and bring to a simmer.

Pile the ribs on a plate and pour sauce over then dig in.

I like them to go cold then be reheated in a microwave before eating.

BTW They do freeze really well.
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Diflower » 21 Dec 2013, 19:20

Thanks WM, I like the specific instructions ;)
I shall copy all that out tomorrow :)

It's a similar mix to one I often use but I've never used golden syrup, always brown sugar or honey :D
Btw if you're ever in a hurry, a really quick mix is equal (ish) measures of dark soy, sweet chilli sauce and hoisin. A squeeze of orange juice or just some water if you need any more liquid.
The same mix works well on chicken too - wings, legs, anything on the bone :)
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby Ally » 22 Dec 2013, 08:32

Thanks for that WM and I love the details...this will enable Don to follow the recipe to the letter. :lol:

They look delicious. :)
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Re: Spare ribs anyone.

Postby saundra » 22 Dec 2013, 10:58

they look lovely william hope you enjoy them
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