George, RIP

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George, RIP

Postby Weka » 18 Mar 2014, 08:24

George was recovering really well after rupturing his ligaments in his knee in October. He needed a second op to repair it again, but was up and running around at the end of Jan. So much so, he did his other knee two weeks after being allowed unmetered access to inside and out, and was facing months in a cage again. :( We spoke to the vet who now thinks he had a degenerative ligament problem, and that this was likely to happen again, and the arthritis that he would be getting in his old age was now likely to come much sooner, in as little as 6 months.

I know a lot on here would have kept on going, but with no insurance for him and having already shelled close to $3000 on the first 2 ops, we had to say farewell to George. The first op and the second op, the vet was saying that if we needed to we could surrender him to them and they would send him to a charity who would do the op and rehabilitation, but when his second leg happened, there was no mention of that, only tactfully asking if we wanted to consider saying goodbye.

poor George, i still feel guilty putting him through cage rest for 4 months, if I had only known. hindsight aye? He has been gone a month now, and I still miss him, especially at night, when he use to jump up onto my lap, the moment I sat down.

Bye Georgie, we miss you. I hope you like your spot in the garden.
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Kaz » 18 Mar 2014, 10:00

(((((Weka)))))) I am sure you did the right thing for George, he was just facing a lot more pain and degeneration otherwise :( :(

RIP George xxxxxx
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Diflower » 18 Mar 2014, 11:19

Oh Weka, it's always so sad, but it does sound as if you did the very best for George (((x)))
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Re: George, RIP

Postby meriad » 18 Mar 2014, 13:43

((((hug)))) Weka. It's never an easy decision top make and there will always be lots of " what if's " but I 100% agree; George would not have been happy with another 4 months of cage rest esp with a very uncertain future.

RIP George, play hard and run free at the Bridge. Sweet dreams xxx
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Lozzles » 18 Mar 2014, 19:52

I'm sorry to read this Weka, but it seems like the best thing for George. ((((((((((Weka))))))))
miasmum is on holiday at the moment, but I know if she was here she would say, 'run free sweet George' xxx
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Ally » 20 Mar 2014, 09:32

(((((Weka))))) xx
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Re: George, RIP

Postby miasmum » 21 Mar 2014, 20:51

She would Lozzles and she would also say you did the right thing at the hardest time Weka.

Run Free Sweet George xxxx
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Aggers » 23 Mar 2014, 00:00

I know just how you feel, Weka, but I think you have made the right decision.

It is pitiful to see a beloved pet suffer, and although it is a traumatic decision to
have to make, I do feel that it is kinder to put a loved pet to sleep rather than
have to see the little darling in pain.


Re: George, RIP

Postby debih » 23 Mar 2014, 00:03

So sad.

RIP George.
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Re: George, RIP

Postby Weka » 02 Apr 2014, 10:49

With winter approaching, i shall be missing my personal lap warmer even more.
Thank you all for your thoughts. It is still strange sitting down in the evening and not have him jump up in my lap, even though he was in the cage from Oct till Jan, and was only out for 2 weeks. Wow, coming up for 6 months now that he hasn't been a permanent fixture upon my lap. He use to stalk me around the house after dinner, waiting for me to sit down somewhere. :) ahhh happy memories. At least he had happy years. He was a dumped 2 week old kitten which my friend bottle fed. he was the only one from his litter to survive, and even then it was touch and go. He wasn't growing, she thought he had what his siblings had recently died of, and was going to take him to work that morning to put him down, but she saw a spark in his eye and thought, i'll give you another day, and what ever it was, he pulled out of it, and turned out to be bigger than a small dog. :D
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