by Suff » 19 May 2014, 18:17
Actually, to me, the coalition from hell is LIb/Lab.
At least Cons/UKIP would be a pressure group government with only one key agenda, getting us out of the EU. Something most Tories want but can't get.
If you want out of the EU, it's the golden coalition. Everything else can be resolved after. No Tory government is going to sell the country for a few votes, the opposite in fact. Tories are fiscal managers. It's Labour and the Lib Dems that think £2+£2 == £99million and you can give the £98,999,996 away.
Just remember, if we had Labour and the EU, we would have finally given up all our rebates and be £300 Billion deeper into our next £1Trillion of UK government debt. Our businesses and banking would be hammered by the transaction tax, to the benefit of the Eurozone and the detriment of the UK. One more Brown government and we'd have been going to the IMF for money....
Want to talk about governments from hell or coalitions from hell? The UKIP is a mere shadow compared to the dark cloak of damage Labour and Lib Dems could throw on the country.
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