by Suff » 28 Jun 2014, 20:08
I have said from the beginning to the end, if the press and the English government shut up and let the Scots get on with it, then they will vote NO.
Every single time they open their mouths, they push the Yes vote. Every Single Time.
Talk about not understanding the people, the culture, the attitudes or the employment situation. The English government probably knows more about the political situation and culture in Afghanistan than it does Scotland.....
I'm pretty certain that If Cameron comes down of his high horse and listens to Hannan, he can get a twofer. Ally with UKIP Now, before it's too late and he has 10% of the Scots vote for a NO vote at the referendum. Also with the ~12% of the UK vote, especially In the marginal seats, that Farage is likely to take, he's likely to win the election hands down as a UKIP/Tory coalition.
Chances of him doing this? I'd say small or too little too late. They are supposed to be political strategists. Today they seem more like children throwing their toys out of the pram.
Why don't they understand. We don't trust them. We have Reason and Experience that we should not trust him. We need Farage to keep him and his back benchers, honest on the EU.
It's not difficult to understand. But apparently they are too busy "Telling" us to listen. Witness the Lib Dimwits.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.