Actually not. The question as to people's
sexual orientation is not so simple as their physical makeup. It comes down to multiple factors.
Whilst I have extreme sympathy with people who are orientated as one sex and trapped in the body of another sex, I have no sympathy whatsoever with people who try to push that orientation into my life or try to make it more important than the more normal sexual orientation.
I'm a tolerant person of the needs of others. I have no tolerance for "activists" who, having won their case, carry on throwing it in our faces and changing our laws. Homosexuality is legal, it's bounded by sensible laws and is more than tolerated in our society. I don't CARE if people want to have sex changes or find loving partners. Although I can understand a man who would want a sex change, because that person might actually love a man who loves women.
Beyond that. Get it out of the press. We don't need any more. Job done. I'm like WM in that.