That the UK should Vote on leaving the EU.
Well I'm sorry Mr Monti but the EU is a Union, not a Franco German Axis with "hangers on". Well it's not supposed to be, even if one of the "hangers on" doesn't like the people of the UK questioning the nature and shape of the EU.
In fact, one would say, that the role of a committed member of the EU is a critical role that examines it's fitness for purpose and proposes changes when it is not found to be so....
If and when the UK choose to vote on their membership of the UK will be up to the people and the government of the UK. End of Story.
Mr Monti. You may "Want" the UK to have that vote and leave, but I can assure you that Germany and most of the rest of the net contributors certainly do NOT. As they, unlike Italy, will have to foot the bill of the loss of the UK contributions. Also the UK is the second largest market for EU Goods in the EU. Fully one seventh of the entire EU market for goods.
It's about time people like Monti, who take from the EU but do not contribute, looked to their own "contribution" and shut up. Personally, were I an MEP, I would demand that the original 15 all become net contributors or lose their vote on the council. As dependents, they should have a minor say only in the running of the EU. Don't like it, the message is clear, pay up. For the new 12 I would give them one more decade then the same message. You want to run this organisation then you pay for it.
That's just me though and two fingers in the air to lackeys who like to take but not to contribute....
But that's the EU isn't it....