Morning everyone
Hot already
A rather disturbed nights sleep - woken rather rudely at 2.30 by Grumpy swearing at a mozzie - as if that would do any good
Couldn't find t he spray, so shut the door and decamped to the other bedroom. Again woken rather rudely by Grumpy telling said mozz to go away. This was at 4.00
A bit more awake this time, I find the spray, do both bedrooms and lie on the sofa trying to get some shut-eye. He puts on the tv and then talks all the way through the news broadcasts and then the cat decided it wanted to com in and be fed
and then lie on my sofa
At 4.30, I gave up and went to bed. Only to be kept awake by some-one snoring
Managed to doze for a while, but gave up at 8.30.
Will be doing not a lot today. Salad for dinner again, not a hope of me cooking in the heat.
Looking forward to hearing what happened Crommers
Have a good day everyone whatever you're doing.