Good afternoon - a rather pleasant, bright day out there, plenty of fluffy clouds.
We would have had a lazy morning but by the time we'd fielded two phone calls, had coffee, and done a crossword it was suddenly time for lunch! We have a good display of tulips and daffs out back; the wood pigeons and rock doves are quartering the lawn for seed (I accidentally spilled a load the last time I replenished the bird feeders
), the robins are back and bopping along the branches, and late yesterday we had an uncommon but not entirely rare visit by a sparrowhawk which surveyed the scene from our back fence for a while.
I'm the jigsaw fanatic in the household but I complete the on-line ones you can download for free from the MSN games store. They are in all different sizes, but I usually go for the 432 piece ones, as the 600 piece ones are a bit too small for my failing eyesight! They take anything from 90 minutes to 3 hours depending on the picture.
We shouldn't need to do any more shopping for a quite a long while after my visit to the supermarket yesterday. We've enough fresh fruit and veg for at least a week, but after that we'll go without until the crisis peak is over. I managed to pick up a Cravendale milk flagon which has a long shelf life, but we've already started on that - when it's finished we're down to long life milk cartons. As for bread, two loaves in the freezer and after they're used, we'll make do without.
Sorry you had that distressing incident with the cruel dog owner, Jo. Lot of ignorant people out there, sorry to say.
At least you're close enough to be able to help out, Crommers, so that's a bonus.
Hope your Kindle recovers, Saundra!
Washing day here will be Sunday, Jen, when the weather's better - something to look forward to
Well done with your shopping, Kaz, but interesting that you found the "respect" was diminishing. I hope that's not the shape of things to come ...
Keep safe, all