Morning everyone
Another hot day here - we have our summer back
Grumpy already out painting - in the shade and before it gets
too hot. I've just got up
I don't normally have lie-ins, but just went back to sleep when he got up
Enjoy zumba Kaz - does that mean you miss one day in the week
Have a great day Ally x
Good for Tom, Jo. When I was working with students it was amazing how many had not a clue about cooking.
Ria, enjoy your day off.
Not sure what I'll be doing. We may pop into Ourique to get a friend to sign a form from the uk pension pension to say that grumpy is alive and well
(they do this every few years) As he's chief of the local police force, it's probably better than the local chemist, as everyone else has, apparently, asked her. She must be fed up with us all.
Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx