A committee of MPs is calling for a portion of tax from tobacco sales to be used for clearing up cigarette butt litter.
Well, OK, since the rules on when and where smoking can take place came into effect there has been an increase in street smoking outside of offices and shops. But isn't that for employers and employees to sort out? And if there are known areas of concern why do councils not use existing litter laws to penalise the litterbugs?
For me a much more serious cause of concern is the litter from fast-food and takeaway outlets. This is a real health issue, and for a number of reasons. As the food rots the number of dangerous bacteria increases and it also attracts vermin such as mice, rats and urban foxes, as well as scavenger birds. There are areas in Leeds, as I suspect there are in many towns and cities, where the clean-up of the street has to start in the early hours in order to make the streets safe for normal daytime business. There does not appear to be any major call to penalise the litter louts or the food vendors, now why might that be? And do not get me started on carrier bags....