indie and jason

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Re: indie and jason

Postby meriad » 22 Apr 2015, 17:50

Good Lord - I really do need to get my eyes tested.... NOVEMBER?????????? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


but i'm sure it somehow managed to jump to fairly high up in the queue?
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Re: indie and jason

Postby Kaz » 22 Apr 2015, 19:48

Never mind Ria ;) :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's a slow board, several threads near the top are from before Christmas :lol: :lol:
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Re: indie and jason

Postby miasmum » 22 Apr 2015, 23:39

so where did that suddenly come from? Facebook drives me mad for this
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Re: indie and jason

Postby saundra » 14 Jul 2015, 08:32

i never come on here and was suprised to see this post :roll:
saw a message on FB last night from grandson damien aged 10
hes breaking his heart they have 2 dogs and jenson the new dog was his
well times move on and son has said all along that jenson
is very bouncey and loopy :D
they both go to work and dogs are on there own alot
and at the weekend after much thought jenson on saturday is going to friends
why do people have dogs in the first place its to many 2 dogs
they look so cute when they are little
like babys really they grow
rant over :roll:
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Re: indie and jason

Postby Kaz » 14 Jul 2015, 09:20

Oh Saundra, what a shame!!!! :( Poor lad :( It's not terribly fair though to leave dogs alone all day, I expect the dog they still have will be lonely now :(

We have two, as you know, and it does get a bit mad sometimes. Fraggle is very boisterous although we are having training for him, as mentioned before. We thought having another dog would keep Pepper happy, but actually what has happened is that the 'pack' thing has kicked in and they do wind each other up to mischief and it is definitely more than double the mess and noise. Having said that we wouldn't be without them, they are family and much loved.......

We wouldn't have got another dog, or even Pepper in the first place, if Mick didn't work from home. I don't think it's fair to leave tham all day, not unless someone comes in and lets them out and gives them a bit of attention.

I hope Jenson is happy in his new home, and that Damien gets over his heartbreak, poor lad :( xxxxxxxxxxx
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