Eye still intact

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Eye still intact

Postby tonicha » 29 Nov 2012, 18:12

But oh dearie me, what a flippin' palaver that was..................

Got to the "urgencia" and was logged in at 7.48 ( I have the wrist band to prove it :lol: ) wait, the lovely lady and the nurse will call you.

Not long after that, I was called in and saw the tirage nurse explained what the problem was - well, I actually showed her, much easier :oops: , go and sit in that waiting room, she said and the doctor will call you and you will go into room 3.

Should I now mention that Grumpy had said that he would prefer to wait in the main waiting room? and that the guards are actually police, with guns :shock:

So, after half half an hour, a man in greens comes into the waiting room, asks for me, looks into my eye and says, consulta something something something. Wait.

Half an hour after that, a porter comes along, gathers me up and another couple and off we go - outside to the other building.

Wait, he said.

FOUR hours later, I'm invited into the eye place and see a doc, who had a good old look - I need some-one else to see this and we can't do anything here, you'll have to go to another hospital (so I'm thinking Portimao, Lisbon :shock: )

Sit down and I'll speak to some-one. Sit down and then I ask if I can find Grumpy, as he's been sat in the urgencia for 5 hours and I've been in geral cirgia for 4...........

Go and get him, he said, we'll talk.

Run down 2 flights of stairs, across the road, almost got run down, but that was his fault, I was on a crossing and grabbed Grumpy. Run up 2 flights of stairs and then see the doc.

We can do it here (hang on a minute - you've just said you can't) but I need to register as an eye patient, because you came in as an urgencia. Forget the fact I'm already registered with the other clinic and gastro.This is my phone number, any problems, ring me and all I want you to do is register. come back when you've done that.

We left there at 1.30......................

So, I am now seeing him on 20 December and the op will be done, hopefully in January. He wouldn't say what he thought (do they ever? ) but they had a good look and will also do a biopsy when they've cut it off.

And then, a week later, I'm going up to the same floor, to see the very nice Dr Gomes Ferreira about Gladys.

Do you think I should take my bed and just sleep there now :lol:

And I should also add that I'd left my handbag with Grumpy, so had no money, no water, no book and oh boy was I gagging for a drink when he came over :D
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby victor » 29 Nov 2012, 18:24

had similar process here Ton ( sorry t'other name is tooo long),but they do get there -eventually.

whats up with your eye? i must have missed a post somewhere
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby cromwell » 29 Nov 2012, 19:13

Blimey - that is one long wait!
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby saundra » 29 Nov 2012, 19:30

lets hope its sorted out soon
worse than the NHS here by the looks of it
only difference is you have sunshine
even if you are thirsty :lol: :lol:
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby tonicha » 29 Nov 2012, 19:38

Got a lump Vic, on the inside of my lower eye lid. Grew and grew and it's not causing any major probs, just pressure and looks not at all nie. Grupy won't even look at it :cry:

AndI will say that the staff were fantastic - they all spoke English to me, even though we tried my poor Portuguese.

It's the red tape that the Portuguese love , get this stamped, go over there, get that stamped..................
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby Aggers » 29 Nov 2012, 20:16

I am surprised at what you had to go through, Ton. Not very good, was it ?

I do hope you get it sorted out soon.

Re: Eye still intact

Postby jenniren » 29 Nov 2012, 20:26

Goodness what a long day Ton, I'm glad you got seen eventually. Even better you don't have to wait too long for the appointment xxx
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby Kaz » 29 Nov 2012, 21:22

Blimey Ton what a palaver :? Still, it seems as though they're sorting it all out for you now! xxxxx
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby Workingman » 29 Nov 2012, 21:28

Fuse... I have an eye problem as well (blind in R eye due to injury) so I feel your pain.

But do you realise how traumatic it is for a guy holding a handbag in a public place, even for a short time? :shock: :lol:

He needs hugs, but nor from me. ;) :)
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Re: Eye still intact

Postby JoM » 29 Nov 2012, 22:01

Glad you're getting sorted - it's somewhat better than the 5 year wait you were told about the other day!

Did I read that right? Grumpy had to carry your bag over to where you were??

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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