This time it is herbs and spices, according to Which?.
Sales of these have gone through the roof in the past decade as more of us try to make our own recipes... and they are not cheap. Dried oregano is one under the present spotlight, but the FSA is looking into the whole herb and spice market. Samples of oregano have been found to contain between 30% and 70% of other ingredients such as olive or myrtle leaves!
The fraud must be an easy trick to pull with dried herbs and ground spices, especially on those who only have a vague idea of what things look and taste like. I tend to buy herbs in cut-and-come-again pots. I know what I am getting and their taste is better. I also buy spice seeds and ground my own for similar reasons.
The report also says that it has found other meats in lamb meals and that 1 in 6 fish from fish and chip shops is not as advertised. The food chain must be a right mess.