The Labour Party

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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Workingman » 17 Aug 2015, 20:36

I think that you might be missing the point a bit, Suff.

The vast majority of people are not into politics or history. How the economy was balanced under whom and when is neither here nor there. They are into the here and now and how it affects them. Many are not happy with how the country is now going under Cameron, but they are more fearful about how it could go under Osborne or Johnson. Don't forget that the majority did not vote for them.

Living and working in Europe you might not be exposed to the street nuances of UK politics, but believe me, they are there.

The Media, the Elite, the Westminster bubblers and political commentators are trying their best to drive the Labour leadership election in one direction, anyone but Corbyn, but there is a lot of evidence that nothing they have done so far is working.
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Suff » 17 Aug 2015, 23:21

Those who want to be in the Labour party may be voting for Corbyn. But the voter on the street is, in my opinion, not going to vote for him in a general election.

I read the press about the graft and the bankers and the rest of the stuff they want everyone to believe on a day to day basis. I'm quite sure that few people on the street are aware this is the media getting back at the government for the way they have been treated. They are, quite literally, presenting a skewed picture of what is going on.

But, come general election day, those who have done well under the last 8 governments will not vote for Corbyn.

That's my take and I like that for all the reasons I've outlined.

What it comes down to is not the press, not the bankers, not the sleazy politicians.

In my opinion it comes down to how many have been pushed over the higher tax bracket and how many of them want to pay more to subsidies nationalisation, public spending, unbalanced budget.....

We'll see when the race is over and the next election is run...
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Workingman » 17 Aug 2015, 23:43

Suff wrote:But, come general election day, those who have done well under the last 8 governments will not vote for Corbyn.

However, those who did not do so well might be tempted to give him a chance. And those who were once Labour, but who did benefit and have a social conscience, might also move back. It is not impossible.

Will a Corbyn win lead to your desire of a fatally wounded Labour? I would not bet on it: not yet.
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Kaz » 18 Aug 2015, 07:53

I do think people who did not vote for Milliband might well vote for Corbyn, so disagree with you there Suff. Many who might well have voted Labour this time were, I think,scared off by Milliband's lack of leadership and conviction, and the ridicule he came under - Corbyn is a different matter.....
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby pederito1 » 18 Aug 2015, 09:21

I hope Corbyn wins, it will remove the threat of another Blair/Brown type administration happening in the foreseeable future.

Re: The Labour Party

Postby Suff » 18 Aug 2015, 11:07

Hmmm, can't find my post about Foot and the longest suicide note in history.

He was a Principled man too. Sadly his principles didn't appeal to the voters. He wanted to re-nationalise too.... It would have been cheaper then than now.

Or perhaps the people were just too close to 26% inflation and didn't believe a word they said. Sadly they did believe Blair and he did it to the country all over again in a different way.
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Aggers » 18 Aug 2015, 12:11

I'm beginning to wonder whether it is wise of us to discuss politics on Vocal Voices.

I can feel my hackles rising. :lol:

Re: The Labour Party

Postby TheOstrich » 18 Aug 2015, 13:07

Aggers wrote:I'm beginning to wonder whether it is wise of us to discuss politics on Vocal Voices.

I can feel my hackles rising. :lol:

LOL! :D - I have now adopted a new anger management technique where the BBC is concerned. As soon as a pro-Moslem or pro-immigrant or pro-EU story comes on, I walk out of the room. I am now much more calm and relaxed, and I have upped my exercise rate to around 1/2 a mile a day ..... :lol:
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Kaz » 18 Aug 2015, 15:12

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Labour Party

Postby Aggers » 18 Aug 2015, 15:17

That's a good idea, Os.

But it might wear the carpet out if I did it.


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