One of the less common symptoms is excessive drinking and weeing.
Only yesterday morning I said I thought she'd been drinking more than usual - not a lot, but noticeable. And she has a huge bladder, will often only have 2 wees in the garden all day/night - out is different, she can have a dozen mini-wees
But had had a couple in the garden the day before.
Anyways, it's an indication of how fast it's been galloping, as yesterday she drank gallons, and the only times she asked to go out were to wee. And we left her a full bowl of water in case she wanted it in the night, it was all gone this morning and she went straight out to drink more...
The steroids will make her do that too, but wouldn't have started to work by then.
Otherwise she's much the same, mostly just lying there.
Just off to coax her into some lunch, hopefully