Austrian Logic

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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby medsec222 » 03 Sep 2015, 13:49

If this had been a divorced single father trying to keep contact with his children, he would more than likely have been hauled before of the Family Courts. At the very least he would be denied contact for putting his children at risk.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby TheOstrich » 03 Sep 2015, 15:04

I do have sympathy for genuine refugees, and I do think that there are a lot of them out there.

The reason I held a valid passport up until this year was not to go on holingdays to furrin' lands. No, believe it or not, it was that I always wondered whether the state of society in this country would become so bad that I might want to discuss with the family the possibility relocating to the USA or Canada. As refugees. (Now I'm too old to care).

But returning to what we see before us today, it's absolutely plain that the media are driving a HUGE agenda here. And Cameron is so wishy-washy and media-sensitive that he might well go with the flow. I do not like it one little bit.

EDIT to add: I see now that Cameron has this afternoon duly capitulated to the pressure from the media, the politicians and the EU, and we will be taking in thousands of refugees. He had little choice really - between a rock and a hard place, as the saying goes. Next stage, I guess, is to see exactly how many France / Germany decree that we must take when they dole out the quotas .....
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 03 Sep 2015, 16:28

If Cameron really has caved in then that's pathetic. One photo of a dead child is now officially driving EU immigration "policy".

He who controls the media controls the decisions of Governments, it seems to me.

Did you know that there have been more than 200 attacks on migrant hostels in Germany this year?

When the next 800,000 turn up next year I wonder how many more there will be?
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Workingman » 03 Sep 2015, 17:01

cromwell wrote:... One photo of a dead child is now officially driving EU immigration "policy".

He who controls the media controls the decisions of Governments, it seems to me.

I have been saying this for some time. The media coverage has been so one-sided and the BBC, which is supposed to be impartial, has been the biggest culprit. I hope its coverage is remembered by the government when its Charter comes up for renewal.

I also see that the well known luvvie, Emma Thompson, has waded in with the "racist" card saying that racism is behind reaction in the UK. She is, of course, an expert and has spoken to many from different nationalities now living in the UK who think we are full up; hasn't she? Probably not, but she will have heard it round the dinner tables of those with similar views to hers.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 03 Sep 2015, 17:09

Interesting poll result from France. ... 486806.htm
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby TheOstrich » 03 Sep 2015, 18:49

The "should we take more refugees?" poll on the DM thread about Emma Thompson (who?) is currently showing a 75% No response in just over 20k votes .... ... mpson.html
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Workingman » 03 Sep 2015, 21:52

I wonder what the result would be if 100% of the peoples of the EU and Europe were asked.

Somewhat different from those of the politicians and media, methinks.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Suff » 04 Sep 2015, 07:52

They won't be, that is not how the EU works. It is not a democracy.

The more worrying thing is the attitude of those who are trying to get over. We took "some" of them therefore we are obliged to take "all" of them who want to come.

If this is what they think then we should take "none" of them until they get the message and start asking politely. Instead of demanding in droves and expecting capitulation. Although as we have capitulated every other time, why should they expect anything else?
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 04 Sep 2015, 09:13

Suff wrote:The more worrying thing is the attitude of those who are trying to get over. We took "some" of them therefore we are obliged to take "all" of them who want to come.

Very true.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby pederito1 » 04 Sep 2015, 10:16

The muslim colonisation of Europe is a frightening thought for future generations.


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