Austrian Logic

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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Aggers » 04 Sep 2015, 11:21

pederito1 wrote:The muslim colonisation of Europe is a frightening thought
for future generations.

The future is full of frightening thoughts for future generations.
I won't list them, because you've heard them all before.

Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Workingman » 04 Sep 2015, 11:49

pederito1 wrote:The muslim colonisation of Europe is a frightening thought for future generations.

It has already happened in some places.

If I go to Bradford from my home I travel down Leeds Road. Near to Bradford centre I go through an area where all the shops are Asian named in Latin and Asian scripts. There are two prominent and large Mosques in the traditional style and a joint Pakistani Bangladeshi consulate.

The future has already arrived.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 04 Sep 2015, 14:58

This is a very good and thoughtful article by Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph. It demolishes a few myths but it is very thought provoking too. ... cades.html
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby TheOstrich » 04 Sep 2015, 16:51

Yes, an interesting read, Crommers ...

I see Caroline Lucas wants us to let in 240,000 refugees. We could get 4 at a pinch in the garden shed, I guess, what about you folk? ... templating
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby medsec222 » 04 Sep 2015, 17:04

There is a poll in the Daily Mail - Should Britain agree to take more refugees? So far 77% NO, 23% YES.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby Workingman » 04 Sep 2015, 19:05

Both of the above links are interesting.

The first should be sent to every MP, Lord, Clergyman, Rabbi, Imam and senior Civil Servant.

The second is frightening. The Lucas article is nonsense, but have a look at the other links at the bottom of the page. Scary stuff.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 04 Sep 2015, 19:09

TheOstrich wrote:Yes, an interesting read, Crommers ...

I see Caroline Lucas wants us to let in 240,000 refugees. We could get 4 at a pinch in the garden shed, I guess, what about you folk?

Half a dozen under the patio! (Joke).

As Nelson points out, this is only the start. This problem is going to be around for decades and those grandstanders who are feeling noble atm by being pro-economic migrant are going to look pretty daft in a few years.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby medsec222 » 05 Sep 2015, 13:06

It seems to have descended into a free for all now. I worry for my grandchildren and their children, who may end up as the minority in their own country.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby cromwell » 05 Sep 2015, 13:11

That worries a lot of people Medsec, me included.

Angela Merkel is saying that this migration is a EU problem and should be dealt with on an EU wide basis. OK, sounds sensible.

But there are places like Slovakia and Hungary who are saying we don't want 'em at any price.

More importantly all the Syrians / Afghans / Pakistanis / Iraqis / Bangladeshis passing through the Balkans all want to go to Germany. How reasonable are they going to be? They've come an awfully long way to get to Germany, saying to them "Don't suppose you'd fancy Macedonia?" isn't going to work is it?

They want to get to Germany, they will get to Germany - how is Merkel going to get them out once they are there? The Germans can't cope with 800,000 turning up, migrant centres are being attacked on a daily basis in Germany, it will just get worse.
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Re: Austrian Logic

Postby TheOstrich » 05 Sep 2015, 23:02

Merkel is a twerp. Whatever she has brought down on herself and her country, well, it's her own lookout and her own problem. She will have to deal with the Eastern European countries' attitudes a bit more sensitively than she did Greece, and I can't see France accepting tens or hundreds of thousands of Islamic-based refugees somehow either.

Prodi's intervention today telling the UK / Cameron that re-negotiations of our relationship with the EU will fail because we refuse to accept masses of refuges was also very interesting. Carrot == stick. Well, Mr Prodi, you will find that your blackmail will backfire, as given a choice between accepting innumerable migrants and leaving the EU, the UK will probably vote with its feet. In fact, the DM are tonight trumpeting a poll that for the first time puts the "Leave" vote in the ascendancy ....
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