QMV wins the quota debate

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QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Suff » 23 Sep 2015, 16:31

So there is no veto on immigration...

However there is a breaking of ranks with the smaller countries.

Strong stuff there. One, we'll take you to court (they'll lose). Two they will refuse to implement the quota's (they'll be fined)....

It's about time something like this happened. Even more irksome to these countries will be the fact that the UK has an opt out. So the UK won't be taking any of them. The power of a net contribution to the EU rather than a net receiver of EU Funds...

What I really hope is that the EU totally steamrollers the governments of these countries and forces the immigrants on them against their will, whilst keeping the doors open to uncontrolled immigration. Whilst totally destructive in the short term, it will be very constructive come 2017.

So long as the UK news actually reports it and the people of the UK think about what it means.
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Workingman » 23 Sep 2015, 17:05

Do not forget those countries which had reservations but were persuaded, if that is the right word, to accept: Poland, Slovenia and Romania.

I also expect that Malta and Cyprus were not too happy. I imagine that the Baltic states felt pretty confident that any quota would soon be looking elsewhere to live so did not find it too hard vote as good members of the club.
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby cromwell » 23 Sep 2015, 17:16

Workingman wrote:Do not forget those countries which had reservations but were persuaded, if that is the right word, to accept: Poland, Slovenia and Romania.

I also expect that Malta and Cyprus were not too happy. I imagine that the Baltic states felt pretty confident that any quota would soon be looking elsewhere to live so did not find it too hard vote as good members of the club.

You can bet your bottom dollar that the Cypriots will not be happy!

But yes; what is to stop 10,000 migrants being allocated to Hungary and then turning round and going straight back to Germany? Not much I reckon.
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby TheOstrich » 23 Sep 2015, 17:32

The power of a net contribution to the EU rather than a net receiver of EU Funds...

We may not be taking them, but we will certainly be paying for them. The EU seems about to embark on a major money-raising campaign, judging by tonight's BBC News. And we will look extremely churlish if we don't contribute .....
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Suff » 23 Sep 2015, 19:57

I thought Churlish was our EU nickname. Might as well live up to it.

The attitude should be. "You made this mess, you get yourselves out of it"!
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Suff » 23 Sep 2015, 20:07

So now we come to it. The answer is two pronged.

1. Give up your border security and let the EU run it.
2. Allow the EU to mandate how many immigrants, that the EU has let into it's borders, each country will take.

So, like the financial crisis, which the EU responded to with overarching control over EuroeZone banking institutions, the EU manufactures a refugee crisis by insisting that anyone who even attempts to reach the EU be brought to the EU. Then the EU takes control over the borders, lets in whoever they want and distributes it according to a formula they have set up.

This is looking better and better for 2017. I can't think but that most thinking British people will not want this for the UK....
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Workingman » 23 Sep 2015, 20:07

Had the former Eastern bloc countries held together this particular vote could have failed.

I wonder what went on behind the scenes to change their minds because some of them were not happy not that long ago.
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Suff » 23 Sep 2015, 20:25

Dead horse trading, threats, bribes, offers of EU "positions"......

All the usual...
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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby cromwell » 26 Sep 2015, 13:56

Wow.Angela Merkel getting the bird and then some, last week in Germany.

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Re: QMV wins the quota debate

Postby Workingman » 26 Sep 2015, 14:21

cromwell wrote:Wow.Angela Merkel getting the bird and then some, last week in Germany.


True, but only if "last week" was on the 12th October 2012.


There is unrest in Germany over the immigrants, no doubt about it, but the real story is well hidden by our UK media.
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