5p or not 5p? That is the question.

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5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Workingman » 04 Oct 2015, 13:28

If you are going shopping then from tomorrow, 5th October, you will/can be charged for plastic bags - 5p each. It all depends on what you buy and where you buy it.

It is all a bit confused, but there is an explanation here.

I am all for it because these are a blight on the environment, but I wonder why the charge was not made universal and have done with it.
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Aggers » 04 Oct 2015, 17:35

It is rather confusing but no doubt we will sort it all out in time.

I think it is a good idea, but why can't shops provide paper carrier bags as they did years ago?
these would be degradable and would not cause problems to wildlife.

Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby TheOstrich » 04 Oct 2015, 22:01

Paper bags are the norm in the Unites States, I believe - it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart / Asda introduce them over here. Asking around over the last couple of weeks, it seems most stores haven't really trained their check-out staff in what is and isn't permissible.

An aspect that interests me is how self-service checkouts are going to operate under the new rules. Will there still be plastic bags hung out? Will they still use the "honesty" system, like WH Smiths and M&S ("Have you brought your own bags? Yes/No. Or do you want to purchase some at the cost of 1p each?") Does anyone know?
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby medsec222 » 05 Oct 2015, 13:21

There was some discussion on Sky this morning when one person mentioned cross contamination when chicken/raw meats had been placed in a plastic bag and then that same bag was re-used. The panel seemed amused at this and the consensus seemed to be that no-one has died yet.

However, hygiene when handling chicken has been well documented recently including the fact that bugs are all over the outside of the packing as well as within the chicken. I have always placed my chicken etc in its own bag and then used it as a bin liner only, as I think there could be a risk of cross-contamination.
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Workingman » 05 Oct 2015, 14:23

Apparently paper bags cost more to produce and have a bigger carbon footprint than plastic bags.... but once dropped it only needs a drop of rain to turn them to mush and 'melt' back into the ground.

To me the whole cross-contamination thing is slightly overstated. It is not that long ago when fresh fish, meat and poultry were on open display in chiller cabinets. Once a choice had been made the item was wrapped in greaseproof paper then in white paper and a price label stuck over the flap. In fact the local Morrisons still uses a similar method except that the wrapping in now done in a heat sealed plastic bag.
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Kaz » 05 Oct 2015, 18:32

Paper bags are useless if one is on foot, as I often am - they 'melt' at the slightest hint of rain! ;)

I have several of the fabric bags that roll up into a tiny pocket, and carry one at all times in my handbag, also we've started putting a collection of bags for life and used plastic carriers in the boot of the car for when we do the big weekly shop 8-)
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Suff » 05 Oct 2015, 18:53

When this started in France the supermarkets simply removed all bags except for the really expensive large one's. They kept a very small stock behind the till and charged for them. I've never even been interested in how much they cost.

Granted we can't keep filling the planet up with these plastic bags, but there has to be a compromise. I was constantly getting caught out in France where I had walked to a shop without a bag and without a car. They had no bags except the expensive one's and I had not choice. So I have a collection of expensive bags now because they're so large I can't always be carrying one. I now have one in my man bag and one in my rucksack for my computer on the basis that if I go to the shops (I have no car here) and need more than one bag, I'll have to buy another one.

The reusable bags are made differently, are more biodegradable and I do use them more than once. But it is not a problem with an easy solution.

I just pay the money. The best bags I have are Swiss. Some of those are 5 years old and are still well used. They have double handles on them, both to hold in your hand and to put over your shoulder. Although those are becoming very hard to find now... Put simply, I'm never going to take a shopping basket to work on the off chance I'm going to do some shopping. I can just see me taking it to the pub after work..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

As for the cross contamination? I don't even bother. I've never been made ill by anything I bought recently in the shops, I usually cook most things to destruction, I'm not an Al Dente person...
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby TheOstrich » 05 Oct 2015, 19:04

Kaz wrote:I have several of the fabric bags that roll up into a tiny pocket, and carry one at all times in my handbag, also we've started putting a collection of bags for life and used plastic carriers in the boot of the car for when we do the big weekly shop 8-)

Same here, I have one of those fabric bags in an inside pocket of my anorak (aka my handbag :lol: ) , and we have a couple of sets of about 6-8 bags for life which are kept in the car. We used to just have one set, but twice I forgot to put it back in the car after unpacking :roll: , and the next time I went the supermarket, of course, I found I had none - so had to buy some more. So now we know there's always a "spare" set in the car.

Up to now, Asda have always replaced their bags for life if they get ripped, without quibble and for free. I've done this on more than a few occassions. Whether they'll still be operating that free replacement scheme now in the light of the new laws, I don't know ...
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Re: 5p or not 5p? That is the question.

Postby Workingman » 05 Oct 2015, 19:27

I have a couple of bags from Clas Ohlson that fold up into their own zipped pockets - very handy to slip in a pocket. They have handles and shoulder straps.

I also have a plastic tube thing from the market into which is stuffed a nylon bag. The tube has notches cut into it into which the bag handles are placed. It makes the bag much easier to carry.
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